Chapter 15

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"Don't you think... we're too close?"

"What do you mean by that? I don't think so." Karn was suddenly back on the ground, all hard feelings disappeared.

"I was hinted that we look like a gay couple, it kind of opened my eyes. Rumors can be spread easily and damage our image. I just did my part in preventing it." Amarin continued explaining, feeling he has to tell him at least this truth. He didn't want to lose Karn, yet this was his last time trying to get him back. 

"Who said that?" Karn immediately thought of Ellie asking him if they're dating.

"It doesn't matter."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Worrying about rumors that haven't even started is beyond funny. So what if some people think I'm gay? I don't care, beside, it's not true."  He stated with serious face.

Amarin couldn't help it and laughed. It was this very pathetic, sad laugh when something breaks inside.

"You're right... you're not gay, so why should you care..." He said quietly, last words only whispering.

"You should not care as well! What does it matter?" Karn didn't understand.

"What if it matters to me? What if I don't want people to view us as something we're not?" Things were starting to get emotional quickly.

"There will always be people talking bad about you behind your back. Trying to prevent it by distancing yourself from the ones that love you is ridiculous." Only two words Amarin registered were 'love you'.

It was the final breaking point.

"Karn?" He said in a weak voice, looking up and making eye contact. His eyes were glassy and cheeks redder than other times. His heart was beating so hard he thought it's going to explode.


He will say it. He doesn't have much time anyway, it's going to be easier to let go.

"I... want to tell you something."

He will say it. Those feelings he's been feeling all his life, since their first meeting.

"I'm listening."

He will say it. But how? His throat became dry as he swallowed. Amarin's hands were cold and started to shake.

The tension was rising with every second they reminded silent. It didn't take long for Amarin to realize that the words stuck in his mouth won't ever get out.

"I'm... I'm sorry." He finally managed to say. His voice sounded so weird and not like himself.

"For wha-..." Before he was able to finish, Amarin grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer. Their lips crashed together, Karn's eyes wide open.

Amarin felt like it wasn't even him doing all of this. His head was spinning, his legs shaking and the breaths got heavier as he let go.

He'd done something he logged for so long. He would thought it's a dream, but the feelings were too real.

"W-what is this all about? Some kind of prank?" Karn asked in awe, wiping his mouth.

"Do I look so cheap to do pranks like this? You don't have to believe it and pretend I've done it for amusement, but my feelings are real and I can't change them." Amarin surprised himself by speaking so much. It was done. He'd crossed the line, he didn't care anymore.

"Since when?" Karn didn't know what to say, how to react. He wasn't disgusted, just confused.

"Does it matter? I can't remember anyway, but it's been for quite some time." He scratched the back of his head, slowly calming down.

"What do you expect me to do now? What... what is going to happen?"

"I expect nothing. It's up to you to decide and I'm going to respect and go along with it." Amarin was ready to accept whatever Karn will say.

"Can things be how they were before? We, being best friends, spending time together?" He asked, desiring that more than anything.

"How do you feel? Doesn't it bother you? What I just did... and what I feel?" Amarin asked as an answer.

"I'm not sure myself... but I know I don't want to lose you. I wouldn't be able to accept this kind of behavior from anyone except you."

Karn was slowly coming to his right mind after the shock. He wasn't angry because of what his friend did nor did he mind.

"Can we... can we do it again?" He asked after a short silence before he caught himself not to. Amarin couldn't believe his ears, staring at him with his eyes wide open.

"Wh-what? Why?" He blushed and stuttered.

Karn didn't get a chance to even realize nor feel the kiss. It was like he couldn't remember what happened, how his friend's lips felt nor tasted.

"I just want to check something..." He said quietly, being the one getting closer to his friend this time. Karn touched his cheek gently as he leaned in and parted their lips again. His hand rested on Amarin's neck, locking him in and not giving him a chance to get away.

It was different, yet so familiar. Amarin's lips were soft and hot, slowly melting away under his hungry desires. He finally pulled away to catch some breath.

"Thank you." Karn said, blushing. His heart was beating fast, he felt the butterflies in his stomach which weren't there the first time. Amarin legs given up and he found himself sitting on the ground. His head spinning once again, trying to process everything.

What does all of this mean?

I couldn't help myself and had to write it! I am so excited for them! I actually didn't expect to turn it out this way, but I'm satisfied.

I want to remind you that there won't be a happy ending. There can't possibly be one, since this is their pre-life before being reborn as Kongpop and Arthir.

Thank you for all your comments and support! I love you so much, therefore I'm updating so quickly, being already almost done with a next chapter!
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