Chapter 13

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"Have you heard? Since Halloween is coming up, some seniors decided to throw a Halloween party in our department. We're in, right?" Sujin asked with excitement in her eyes and full mouth.

"I've seen a poster of it somewhere. There's also some kind of 'best costume' competition as a program...?" Pam asked her, like she was the organizer and knew everything. Sujin, indeed knew everything without being involved.

"Yes, but it's not only about costumes. You can enter a contest of cosplaying, therefore going on a stage and have a short performance, impersonating your character. First prize is a trip for two in some prestigious hot springs, but I've forgotten the name of the hotel. Amazing, isn't it?" Sujin's eyes were on fire.

"They're taking it that seriously? I thought it's just some small party for seniors..." Karn commented, not feeling very interested.

"It initially was, but then the school started being interested and made it official. Anyone from the school can come, but you have to buy tickets. Having a costume is required. We absolutely have to come as a group! How about group costume? We can enter the competition as a group!" Sujin thoughts started going wild.

"That's going to be amazing." Amarin spoke suddenly, loving Halloween, not the scary parts though.

"That's the spirit. I'll buy the tickets for all of us and sign up for the competition." She clapped happily.

"Wait!" Karn, Cai and Jac shouted together as she stood up. She gave them a surprised look, not understanding what is going on.

"You guys might want to participate, but I don't. I will come to the party, but not the competition. You will get my vote though." Jac explained nervously, fearing crowds and attention from too many people.

"Same here." Was all Cailean said, lightly touching Jac's hand for a second to calm him down.

"I also don't feel like taking part in the contest, but I'll come to support you." Karn agreed, looking at disappointed Amarin.

"Pam, Gable? How about the two of you?" Sujin's enthusiasm started wearing off.

"We want to join, but as a couple." Gable answered, already having a winning idea for the costumes.

"That's fine, we will also do a couple costume, right Rin?" Her excitement was back.

"Yeah, sure." Karn glared at Sujin, thinking that doing couple costume with Amarin would be actually nice. He would want to participate under those circumstances.

"Then it's decided! I'm going to take care of it, so think about some cosplay ideas!" She stormed off.

The group dissolved shortly afterwards, everyone having their duties to do, meeting mainly for lunch and Sujin summoning them.

"Do you have any plans? Want to go somewhere or play LOL?" Karn asked Amarin when they were alone.

"Not today, I've got a lot of work to do. I better head back as well. See you." He answered rather distantly and left. Just like that. Karn didn't know what to think.

What was that?

*** *** ***

"Amarin? I've bought snacks, may I come in?" Karn visited his best friend the next day to have some fun. He didn't wait for response and opened the door. His friends was sitting on a bed surrounded by documents and books.

"I'm kind of busy, as you can see." He said without even looking at him. Karn stopped feeling welcomed right away. "By the way... I meant to tell you something for some while now. You don't need to wake me up in the morning anymore. I'm managing it. Thank you for everything up to this point. "Amarin explained, still not looking at him.

His words weren't harsh nor ill minded... nor spoken in annoyed tone. Why was Karn feeling offended? This was getting ridiculous very quickly.

"You're not being yourself lately... is something wrong? You can talk to me about everything, you know that." Karn was concerned and worried.

"I'm alright. You can come play LOL tomorrow, I will have more free time. You should study as well, the end of semester will come sooner than you expect." He lectured him, finally looking up.

"Okay then... I'll stop by tomorrow. Good luck with your studies, let me know if you need anything. I'll leave the snacks here, eat something please. Don't make me worry so much." Karn said as a goodbye, feeling dull pain in his chest.

What was this feeling? Amarin seemed so out of reach. There was a distance between them, slowly becoming wider and wider. Karn didn't know what to do to make it stop. Or was he just overreacting? It must be it, being refused few times by his friend didn't mean anything. It's not like he was his boyfriend, demanding attention every day and feeling depressed when not getting it.

Yet, that was exactly how Karn felt, which was confusing him and making him even more frustrated.

What the hell was wrong with him?

*** *** ***

"Karn, pleaseeee! I'll do anything but you absolutely have to be the beast!" Ellie plead, trying to persuade him to go couple costume. "Your hair and eyes are completely perfect for it! I already got the suit and I know it's going to look amazing! Please!" She jumped around him, acting rather annoyingly.

"I haven't even seen the Beauty and the Beast... but if it makes you happy, I'll go with you." He smiled politely, getting of shoulders at least the troubles of getting a costume.

"Thank you so much! You're the best!" She grabbed his hand by hers and pressed it against her forehead gently. Karn wasn't sure what was it but found it funny and smiled. "Do you want to go eat something? I've discovered a new noodle restaurant and it's really delicious."

Amarin who's been standing nearby, waiting for them finish so he could talk to Karn witnessed everything. Seeing them acting lovely-dovely made him feel even worse than he was already feeling. He'd forgotten to take the morning dose of pills. He didn't want to accept the fact he needs it. Amarin was fully functioning human, completely fine without medications.

When they started leaving, Karn not even noticing him, Amarin couldn't make himself to go after him. There was a huge wall between them and he didn't have the strength to climb over it anymore. A wall called Ellie. Karn always looked so bright around her Amarin could only dream of the same situation with the two of them.

All he did was making Karn frown and worry. Maybe it's good that he will disappear from his life... forever.

Hello ~ I might not make the halloween party chapter till actual halloween, I'm sorry! It's going to be a ride, so buckle up your seatbelt. I'm sorry for lack of cute scenes, but it will change soon!

Thank you for all your comments and votes, it made me so happy!

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