Chapter 5

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"Where are you?" He heard Cai's voice as soon as he picked up.

"I overslept and missed my bus. I'm sorry but you should go without me. I might join you later, but I definitely won't make it for the movie." Jac explained his absence mere half an hour before the movie.

"Will you come out for a second?" He asked and hung up, without waiting for an answer. Jac wasn't confused anymore, he got used to this long time ago, to Cailean's unexplainable behavior. He wasn't even surprised when he saw him in front of his house in his car.

"How did you know? I could easily not miss the bus." Jac asked when he got inside.

"Yet you're sitting next to me right now because you missed it." Cai smirked and started the engine.

"Mr. I-know-everything." He muttered to himself but couldn't help smiling.

"Wrong. I'm Mr. I-know-my-crush."

"C-Crush?" Jac chocked on his own breath. "Don't be ridiculous. We're past that." He pouted and looked out of the window.

"I'm sorry... I just know my boyfriend too well. Satisfied?" Cai said sweetly when Jac turned his face even more away from him and said nothing. "Don't be this cute or I won't be able to hold myself in front of others." He added and put on a radio.

"You should stop saying such a nonsense, it's embarrassing. Pay attention to your driving and not to me." Jac said with burning cheeks.

"Roger, Mr. Boyfriend." Cailean smirked once again and then said nothing for the rest of the ride.

*** *** ***

"Why is always someone late from our gang? You should reflect on your actions and don't make me so stressed out when I've already bought the tickets." Sujin lectured them as soon as they arrived. Everyone was already there, Jac and Cailean were the last ones.

"I had to pick up Jac because he overslept."

"Let's buy snacks!" Gable ordered stopping an possible argument, dragging Pam behind him by holding her hand. Everyone followed them to the snack shop.

"Do you want anything?" Karn asked, taking out his wallet.

"No, thanks, I'm still full from the lunch we've just had." Amarin shook his head. "Sujin? I've wanted to ask you, are you sure this is a sci-fi movie? Judging by the name, The Nun, doesn't it sound religious?" She just smiled, making him feel very uneasy.

"Every horror is technically a sci-fi."

"H-horror?" He stuttered.

"Don't tell me you're scared."

"Who's scared?" Jac showed up behind Amarin's back, already eating popcorn.

"Nobody. I'm just surprised we're going to see a horror." He laughed awkwardly, trying to back up.

"You have to move your asses then, because we're going to miss it,moving slowly like this." Gable nagged, holding two large popcorns and huge coke.

Next hour and half were pure misery for Amarin. He tried to follow the plot, covered his eyes whenever he thought a jump-scare was coming, he even considered falling asleep but the audio was too loud for that possibility. Even saying he's not feeling well and waiting outside till the end of the movie crossed his mind, but he highly doubted anyone would believe him.

Karn would surely notice best friend's suffering, but sitting on the other side of the row spoiled that option. He was seated next to Cailean who showed no reaction to any scary scene except when Jac impulsively reached for his hand, terrified. He squeezed it tightly for less than a second and then let go.

He thought of holding his hand throughout the whole movie but Jac wouldn't let him.

Amarin was next to Sujin, doomed to listening to her comments about scenes, SGI and quality of the movie. He couldn't even express how relieved he was when it finally ended.

"I was so expecting something more." Gable started to complain as soon as they got out.

"Really? Your scared expression said otherwise, like you've expected far less." Sujin shook her head.

"What? Scared? Pam, say something! I wasn't scared." He turned to his girlfriend, who just rolled her eyes and said nothing for greater good.

"We should see some other genre next time, comedy or something." Karn suggested, also not having the best opinion on the movie. "What should we do now?"

"I have something to do so I'm going to go now." Cai suddenly said and scratched his neck nervously, avoiding Jac's surprised look.

"Oh, I thought you said you're free today. Okay, bye-bye then. See you at school." Sujin said goodbye with others. Jac wished he could ask where is he going, hoped somebody else would ask... but was left disappointed, taking out his cell as soon as Cailean drove off.

"There's a park with a lake nearby, want to go sit there?" Pam suggested and everyone agreed, not having anything better thing to do in mind.

"I'll go buy some snacks. Go ahead, I'll be there in a bit." Amarin said when they walked past convenience store. He wanted to spare some time for himself and calm down from the movie.

"I'm coming with you." Karn split from the group with his best friend.

"If you want anything particular, you can just tell me. No need to come with me." Amarin tried to shake him off.

"Are you sure? Then one cola and Pringles for me. BBQ one's." Karn ordered and caught up with others again.

"Asshole." Amarin muttered, disappointed that Karn really left him behind. He couldn't blame him though, it was exactly what he wanted him to do.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote and comment if yes! Amarin is such a tsundere, really... tsk. Update will be tomorrow! > . <

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