Chapter 25

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"May... I'm starting to be very tired." Karn confessed. He was standing on the hospital roof, his typical spot after two hour rehabilitation with Amarin. The nurse, who's been around from the beginning, took a break just to talk to him.

"It's been two years already." She stated and exhaled smoke from the cigarette.

"I don't know what to do. I don't know if I can keep it up any longer" He said and hid his face in his palms.

May could see how exhausted he was. He looked at least five years older than he actually was, already wrinkled and worn out.

She couldn't help but pity both of them. After Amarin's shut down, Karn absolutely refused to hear anything regarding to the life support. Nobody was bold enough to even suggest to turn it off. He dropped out of college and started working two jobs to earn enough money for keeping it on.

He took physiotherapeutic lessons to keep Amarin's body stable and as preserved as possible. It took him four hours every day to stretch every muscle and joint of his body, but he's never given up. Nobody except him and doctor M could treat nor touch him.

He refused his parent's money to not be in debt. No one could argue with him neither had the guts to do so. Karn has been swallowed by Amarin. Obsessed. He'd been chasing the possibility of him waking up no matter how small were the odds.

He couldn't give up. If nothing, he absolutely couldn't give up.

"Maybe it's time." May said and sighed.

"What do you mean?" Karn asked, preparing himself for an argument. It's been long enough, too long for anyone not bringing up the topic about letting him go.

"I've got something for you." She said and disappeared in the building for a while. When she came back, a white envelope was in her hand.

"I've been told to give it to you when the time is right. I don't know what he meant, but I'm sure it would break Amarin's heart to see you like this." She handed it to him.

"You think now it's the time?" He asked, trembling. He's started to be scared. His psychics and mental state have started to waver.

"I don't know, but you're far over the edge. You've crossed every boundary you could and your stubbornness is starting to wear out as well. I don't know what's written there but it might help you... to settle things down." She said it as nicely as it was possible. "I'm going to leave now, my break is over anyway." She said and left although it wasn't even halfway through her time off.

Karn started at the envelope with his name written on it. It wasn't Amarin's handwriting, probably May's. After very long pause, considering every option, his hands started tearing the seal.

This might be the last connection I'll ever have with him. Karn thought and tears started to fill up his eyes. He blinked few times to fight it. Amarin is still alive, his heart is still beating. There's a chance.

He unfolded the paper and recognized his handwriting right away. He started reading after taking a deep breath.

Dear Karn,

I can feel the end is near. I'm writing this after losing majority of my memory, although I can still remember smaller bits and moments from my life.

I recall a picture of you crying as a kid. It makes me sad even now, just imagining it. I don't want you to cry no matter what happens. It hurts me and I bet I would want to comfort you... but I probably won't have a chance to do so anymore.

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