Chapter 7

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Karn knew who was to his left but still looked. Pair of Amarin's eyes started at him while he shook his head slightly.

"Why does his dare has to affect me? That's not fair. And also, we're outside. Am I supposed to take off my shirt like we're in some strip club?" Amarin complained, shaking his head more. "I don't agree, change it to something more appropriate."

"What are you raging over, like you've never wore my shirt before." Karn said, already taking his off. Amarin opened his mouth a little but was speechless. Was he the weird one? Or has everybody around him lost their minds? "Come on, I won't take it off for you." Karn hurried him, being half naked wasn't that comfortable, especially not in public. He ignored Sujin's surprised look she tried to hide alongside her impressed smiled.

It was very understandable giving Karn's six pack, muscular arms and porcelain skin without any body hair.

"Or do you want me to strip you?" he smirked after a while when Amarin didn't move, still staring at him. He'd seen him at least thousand times like this throughout their lives, yet he was caught off guard today.

"Don't you dare. Idiot." He stopped staring and finally took his shirt off and put on his friends. It smelled like him, it felt like the whole upper part of Amarin's body was being wrapped by Karn's warmness and softness.

"You see? So much ado about nothing." Karn only shook his head after being changed. "Next!" He grinned, spinning the bottle. It stopped on his best friend.

"Oh-ho. What do we have here?" He looked at him with a sparkle of tease in his eyes. Amarin was still out of place because of wearing a shirt that was worn by Karn before. He answered 'dare' without realizing what he's saying and woke up just after hearing Karn's order.

"Go up to those girls and ask for their numbers, also do some flirting."

It wasn't most horrible dare but also not the best one. Amarin wasn't feeling like getting to know any girls and couldn't understand Karn's thinking. Although Karn only meant good by daring him to do this, he'd seen it other way around.

Amarin has never had a girlfriend before, although he got confessions quite often. He was better looking than he'd acknowledged, therefore also more popular than he'd ever known and realized. It could be easily said he was on the same level as Karn in looks and attractiveness, the only difference was his low self-esteem and confidence.

Karn has dated before and though it was never serious nor it lasted, he'd decided to help Amarin get a girlfriend as they enter college. There he was, already realizing his plan, mere two weeks since the school year has begun.

"You should go ask for yourself if you want to know them. Why sending me as a bait, when you're the good looking one..." Amarin said under his breath as he stood up, last part of the sentence only whispering so Karn wouldn't hear him. He did, but acted like he didn't. He heard those kind of comments quite often from Amarin, never acknowledging them.

Everyone watched him as he approached a small group of four girls currently giggling about something and looking at their phones.

Amarin smoothly started conversation, smiled a lot and in mere five minutes was back with numbers of all four girls. He was watched the whole time by his friends.  Gable impressively clapped when he returned.

"Whoa, man, a way to go." He admired him trying not to make his envy very obvious.

"I'm not feeling like playing anymore." Karn said suddenly in deep voice, surprising everyone.

"Too scared I'd got you back with something better?" Amarin teased him for a change, wondering if something's happened.

"I agree with Karn, I wasn't feeling this from the beginning." Jac supported him, afraid he would be chosen again and get more questions about his 'girlfriend.'

"You're no fun, damn..." Sujin sulked, wanting to play more. "Are we gonna call it a day?" She asked a bit disappointed. A few drops quickly transforming into a sudden rain was a clear answer. The group dissolved very quickly afterwards, barely saying goodbye. Everyone went their own way except Karn and Amarin, hurrying back to dorms together.

*** *** ***

When Amarin finally closed the door on his room after saying goodbye to Karn, his head was about to explode. The nauseous feeling building up caused him to eventually throw up just when he got to the toilet.

This has already been going on for a while, although he couldn't remember when exactly it has started. This was the worst case so far, he'd never thrown up from his migraines before.

If anyone knew about this, including him fainting once when coming back from school, Amarin would have been persuaded to see a doctor. But nobody, not even Karn had a clue about any of this and Amarin had no intentions to change it.

He didn't need to see a doctor yet, pills he had prescribed to himself were working just fine.

Or so he thought.

Thank you for your votes, reads and comments! I can't believe we've already reached 150 reads! The story's about to get serious in next chapters, so prepare yourself!

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