Chapter 2

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"What a long day it was." Amarin let his body fell on a soft blanket in his room. It indeed was a long first day of college life, they've already made friends and hung out with new people.

"It's only four pm, lazyhead." Karn said ironically, closing door on Amarin's dorm room.

"Hey, my day has already ended, stop mocking me." He said, trying to defend his illogical statement.

"Roger." Karn nodded and threw his body on the bed next to his best friend. The impact of the jump made Amarin roll over and almost fall down.

"What are you doing, this is my bed." He complained, pretending to be annoyed, kicking his friend gently to push him down.

"You're acting like I've never been in your bed before." Karn grabbed his foot tightly, prepared for counter attack.

"We were kids, that doesn't count. And DON'T you DARE to do it." Amarin started panicking, trying to pull his leg back. He knew what was Karn's plan and has been doing all he could to sabotage it, but it was too late. His best friend fingers started to gently yet quickly tickling the bottom of his foot. Amarin, who's most ticklish spot was located there started laughing and kicking everywhere.

"Stop, no more! Karn, please!!" He plead, knowing there's no way for him to win over his friend. He finally stopped when Amarin clearly couldn't breathe because of laughter.

"You're so dead." He declared after finally catching breath and sitting up. His cheeks were now red, messy hair falling into his glassy eyes containing bits of tears from laughing.

"Hmmm, am I?" Karn teased him again and slowly moved his hand towards Amarin's foot. He flinched and hid both his feet under himself.

"Okay, okay. You won. When did you become so strong...?" It was more of a rhetorical question but he still got an answer.

"Since you've gotten weak." Karn smiled sweetly, making it very hard for Amarin to not punch him in the face.

"Me and weak? I wasn't the one who begged for protection, crying all over the place." He snapped, hinting at their first meeting thirteen years ago.

"I don't remember begging you at all... you were the one who suggested it. And also, I was small back then, therefore you were very strong in my eyes. Not anymore, I suppose..." He grinned and revealed his perfectly white teeth.

"Why are you always like this...?" Amarin sighed defeated and laid down on his back again. "If you've got nothing better to do, go to your room."

"You're such a tsundere. I'll go buy some snacks and drinks and then we can play LoL, how does that sound? Do you want to come with me?" Karn asked, already knowing the answer.

"Don't forget my pink milk." Was all he got from Amarin, already setting up the game sets.

"Have I ever forgotten?"

"Yes, quite often."

"I will be careful this time. See you in a bit." Karn closed door after himself but didn't move. It didn't take more than two minutes and hurrying Amarin appeared behind him. "That was faster than the last time." He smirked while his best friend avoided all eye-contact, clearly embarrassed.

"L-Let's just go."

Some chapters will be shorter, I'm doing my best to divide my pre-written work into pieces. This originally still belonged to chapter one, but it would be too long in my opinion, so I decided to split it up.

Vote and comment, it makes me feel very motivated. Next chapter will be up tomorrow. :)

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