Chapter 3

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"That is all for today's lecture, thank you all for your attention. See you next week." Karn's just finished copying last chemical equation from the board when the bell rung.

"Man, this is way more complex than I thought it would be. Do you understand any of it, Rin?" Sujin turned to guy on her left. He was staring at his notes, completely ignoring his friend's question.

"Amarin." She said again. Surprised expression occurred on his face as he heard his name.

"Why did you call me Rin?"

"Why not? It sounds cool and also it's shorter. Don't you like it?"

"Should I call you Jin then?" Amarin concluded according to her logic.

"I don't care, but I personally prefer my full name. Since you've never said no, I'm going to call you Rin. Also, Cailean is just Cai now, so you can call him that if you want." She stuck her tongue out a bit and made a cute expression. Then she flew out of the room like a summer breeze, hurrying to get all her friends together in cafeteria.

Amarin was left behind, still sitting at his seat and trying to process what's just happened.

"Rin is it now?" Karn smirked as he was done packing his notebook.

"Don't even think about calling me like that. It's Amarin for you and will always be. I also don't call you Arn. It's ridiculous." He fussed and stood up.

"I like every nickname you give me." Karn teased him, deep down hoping that his best friend won't change the way he calls him. He wasn't against nicknames but coming it form Amarin sounded weird. Maybe because they've never done something like that, giving themselves other names.

"You're Karn for me and that will also never change. Come on, everyone must be already waiting for us." He hurried out of the classroom to meet up with everybody, although the real reason was a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Wait for me!" Karn rushed out as well to follow him.

"Ouch!" A girl passing by, that he didn't notice and bumped into, ended up hitting herself against the wall.  A pile of papers she was carrying slipped out of her hands.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Karn panicked, trying to pick up the files and check on her at the same time. The girl looked confused, as she didn't even realize what's going on.

"Are you alright?" Amarin came back to his best friend since he'd seen what happened. The girl, as she'd just woken up from a trance, stopped staring at Karn and nodded.

"I'm fine. Let me help you." She crouched down and started picking up her papers.

"I'm very sorry. Are you really alright? You hit yourself pretty hard." He apologized again, handing her the documents.

"Don't worry, I'm not hurt nor in pain. It was my fault for not looking around. If you could excuse me now, I have to delivery these." She bowed politely and rushed away. Karn didn't even have a chance to say anything, he was left amazed behind.

"For a second, I thought she knows you." Amarin commented when she disappeared out from their sight.

"I've never seen her before. I mean, I would definitely remember her." Karn stopped his conspiracies right away. "She didn't look okay though."

"She seemed fine enough to me." Amarin just shrugged his shoulders.

"Not like that, more like she was about to cry."

"You don't have to be so concerned about her, we're going to be eaten alive by Sujin if we're any more late. You should worry about that! Hurry up." Amarin ordered as always but Karn couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious girl. Her pale skin, blue eyes and almost white hair, she must have been foreigner, yet she could speak perfectly. 

"Karn, Rin! Over here!" A familiar voice shouted at them as they entered the cafeteria and started looking around. Sujin was waving at them beside table full of people. Pam and Gable, two of her friends they met yesterday were there too.

"Where the hell have you been? You're slower than snails!"          

"We would be here sooner, but someone over here almost killed some random girl." Amarin confessed and went to take their lunches.

"What girl? Who?" All pairs of eyes were now glued on guilty Karn.

"He's exaggerating, I just bumped into her. I don't know her name, but she has very pale hair...?" He looked with hope at Sujin, assuming she could know her.

"Haven't seen anyone like that in our course, she's definitely not from science field." She just shook her head, reading his mind.

"Have you fallen for her? Because it sounds familiar to what has happened to us." Gable joked around, putting one arm around his girlfriend's neck.

"What exactly sounds familiar? You hit me with your bike, idiot!" Pam glared at him.

"Well, since Amor didn't shot you with his arrow, I had to hit you with my bike!" He defended himself and Pam rolled her eyes. "But you've fallen for me..." he grinned.

"Mr. Prince, your lunch is here." Amarin appeared behind Karn and handed him plate with fried rice, chicken and cashew nuts. He himself had spicy papaya salad and spicy shrimp soup, everything placed on tray together with two bottles of soft drinks.

"Thanks. Are you sure you can eat that much spicy food?" Karn said worried, looking at his dishes.

"Only spicy food is left, so what options do I have?" Amarin explained and dug in.

"But mine is not spicy."

"Yeah, it was the last one. Eat, it's getting cold." He avoided his best friend's eye contact, afraid he will be able to read his mind. Amarin could take the non-spicy dish, but he also knew how Karn can't handle spiciness.

"Back to our previous topic. Guys, what are you doing this weekend?" Sujin asked.

"Nothing, as far as I know. Why?" Cailean answered, reminding others that he's there. He's got the role of the quietest guy from the group. Jac sitting next to him and also furthest from the whole group also showed interest by nodding.

"How about we go to see a movie? I heard there's a very good sci-fi airing." She suggested.

"Do you really want go with us or just don't have a boyfriend to accompany you?" Gable grinned, never having enough of mocking his best friend.

"I'd rather go alone than with a boyfriend like you." She snapped back, smirking.

"Like a small children, you two. I'd love to go." Pam joined them and looked at other members.

"We also don't have any plans, so count us in." Karn looked at Amarin who just slightly nodded, focusing on eating and not crying from the food.

They agreed on Saturday and had separated for afternoon classes.

Vote and comment ~ it's my source of motivation. Thank you all for reading my story! You may have noticed that I've changed the cover of the book. It might happen few times, I'm sorry in advance!

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