Chapter 2- I want to die

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"Mom! I'm going to be doing what?" I yelled at the top of my lungs when I got home from work a Friday.

My mother motioned me to quiet down my voice before opening her mouth to speak again.

"I have fixed an arranged marriage for you. I think it's time that you get married. You are getting older and you need someone in life."

"Mom I'm only 22, plus I have my friends and I am only now starting to live my life. I don't want or need to ever get married. Period." I stated crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't care about what you say anymore. I'm tired of you talking about nonsense like this, this marriage is going to happen." mom said in a firm tone.

"Over my dead body" I yelled fiercely. I went upstairs to my room and slammed my door and in the process locking it.

I threw my things onto the desk then threw myself onto the bed.

Mom why are you doing this to me? Am I that much of a burden to you? Do you just want to get rid of me?

Random and over the top thoughts were just flying about in my brain.

Tears were running down my eyes, smearing my mascara but at that moment I could care less.

Suddenly I thought about how much better the world would be without me, how much happier my mom would be.

I'd always been a troublesome kid. Always meddling in someone else's business, never really being obedient.

Honestly speaking the list could go on for years without succumbing to an end.

I pushed my body off the bed and started searching my room for something.

After messing my room up, I finally found it in the bottom drawer of my desk. I opened it as I put the sharp blade to my hand.

I thought to myself "No one needs me, no one cares for me, I should just die."

(Italics- good side, bold- bad side)

Wrong. They need you. Your mom needs you.

Why else would she have made an effort to raise you?

Will you really listen to those so-called hopeless thoughts?

You've been nothing but a burden towards your mother. Always making her clean up your mess.

Do you really think she still wants YOU around?

There aren't hopeless thoughts. These are just straight up facts.

Your mom may not show it as often as you wish, but you know she loves deeply.

Love? Don't make me laugh. This ain't no fairy tale. You know I'm right.

Just imagine how heartbroken your mom will be if she sees you lying down on the ground lifeless?

Are you really willing to make you mother cry?

My head was in a whirlpool. Two completely different sets of thoughts arguing with each other.

How am I supposed to pick a side?

Unconsciously, I let the knife slit my hand causing me to whimper in pain.

Shit. No. I need to get to the bathroom.

I knew I needed to move but my body wasn't cooperating with my mind right now.

My dark scarlet blood was flowing out of me and onto my carpet staining it. I dropped the pocketknife as I clutched my hand.

After a while, my vision began to get blurry.

I can't. Mom loves me and I love her. I'm too young for this.

I could feel my body leaning over to the side and I felt my body hit the ground with an impact.

The aching pain in my head worsened as my eyes started getting heavy.

I could vaguely hear the knocks on the door and the worried voice of my mom. I tried to respond but it was like my voice was stuck in my throat.

I saw the door opening.

That was the last thing that I remembered.

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Tiffany's mom POV
"Sweetie, it's dinner time" I yelled from the kitchen. I didn't hear a response. I called again assuming that she has her earphones in.

"If she has them in, she'll more than likely not hear me" I muttered to myself.

I went to her room and knocked on the door. "Sweetie" I yelled loud enough to be heard past the door and hopefully her plugged ears.

No response.

Now I was beginning to get scared. "Sweetie, open the door" I commanded in a rather shaky voice.

I tried turning the door handle, but of no avail. "Tiffany!" I yelled again frightened.

"The spare key, but where the hell is it?"

Think think think

I hurried off to the storage room and looked in a dusty, old box. After a short while of rummaging through the box of keys, I found what I was looking for.

I hurried back upstairs to her room and unlocked the door with shaking hands.

Please be okay sweetie was all I prayed for.

I turned the door handle but my hands were a bit clammy, causing it to slip out of my hand.

I wiped them on my clothes prior to, as I turned the handle once again, opening the door.

I let out a terrified scream when I saw her laying on the floor, blood oozing out her wrists onto the white carpet.

I immediately went over to her side and used my hand to try and stop the bleeding.

I could see her body going in and out of consciousness and her breathing patterns were no longer normal.

I grabbed my phone out of my jeans pocket as I called an ambulance.

So I know this is not the smartest move after hearing you're gonna be getting married via arranged marriage.

I know the chapters are a bit short now but I'm working harder to make them longer.

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