Chapter 8- Who knew?

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My leg was numb by now. I couldn't move it at all. He picked me up with his arms.

"Hey what are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Want me to drop you on the ground and leave you to die?" he asked.

I didn't reply. I stayed quiet as he carried me to his car. "Just put me in my car, I'll drive home. I don't want to worry mom." I said.

"Where are your brains? Do you think you can drive with one foot? I don't even know if the other one is okay" he said clearly angry.

He opened the car door to his car as he put me in the passenger side.

He strapped on the seat belt. Our faces were only inches apart. I turned my head away quickly feeling a bit flustered.

He closed the door and went into the driver's seat. He turned on the car and began to drive. I don't know to where but somewhere.

"Hey what about my car? What's going to happen to it?" I asked.

"Well who told you to get yourself injured? Give me the car keys and I'll ask my guys to drive it to your home." he said.

"Can I trust you?" I asked curiously. He didn't reply.

As we were nearing what looked like my house, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my foot.

"Great I got cramps" I said my face twisting from the temporary pain. I tried to move my foot a little but the pain was unbearable.

"Why am I so stupid? What will mom do when she finds out? It's not like I can hide something like this from her. She'll find out in the end. I swear I'm a klutz." I murmured.

Ashton heard me.

"Well it's your fault for being born as one, isn't it? he said out of the blue.

"Whatever" came from me.

He parked outside my house. He opened my side door and put his hand out.

I reluctantly took it as I tried to get out. I hopped on my right as I had my left foot up. "Hey do you have any tissue?" I asked.

"I need to check. Hold onto the car okay" he replied. He went into the car and came back with a box of tissues.

I took it and tried to wipe off as much as blood as I could. When I was finished, I shoved the tissues in my bag and gave him the box.

Mom's car wasn't in the garage.

"Thank God, only Jinjin is at home" I said.

He took my hand and put it around his shoulder as I used him for support. He wrapped his hands around my waist supporting me.

I tried my best and hopped into the house, using my one good leg.

"Um, my room is upstairs" I said.

He helped me up the stairs to my room. I looked into my bag and searched for the keys. After a while of looking I finally found it and opened the door.

Jinjin woke up as soon as he heard my room door open. He dashed towards me. "Down boy. I'm not in any condition to play with you now. Sorry Jinjin." I said to him sorrowfully.

I blew a kiss at him knowing that it would cheer him up. He began to wag his tail again. He saw a stranger next to me and became quiet.

"Jinjin, meet my future husband" I sarcastically said.

He stuck out his paw for a handshake. I chuckled. Ashton hesitantly shook his paw.

"He won't bite." I said as I hopped over to my desk.

I pulled open my draw and took out a first aid kit. I hopped over to the bed as I sat on it and opened the kit.

"You can go now. I don't want your parents to worry about you. Thanks for everything." I said.

He just stood there before he came and sat on the bed beside me.

He took the kit away from me and began to apply ointment onto my wounds with a swab. I flinched because of the pain. "Stay still, even if it hurts" he ordered.

"Why did the two of you fight?" he asked.

"It's a long story. You probably don't have the time to listen to my boring story to begin with" I said.

"I guess I have a lot of time now because treating your wounds will take a while." he replied concentrating on what he's doing.

I took a deep breath before telling him.

"Mark and I were best friends since elementary. We both went to the same high school. But then he did something that I'll never forgive him for. When we graduated, I was so happy to be far away from him. But that changed." My smile disappearing rapidly from my face as I spoke.

They were once happy memories, ones that I could have always looked back on when I down. I've always missed those days. I'd be lying if I said I didn't.

"He also attended the same college as me. He was the reason I got expelled from my first college. I went to Oakville afterwards hoping he won't follow me again. I also went there for a new start, where no one knew about me. But he came again. I didn't know what to do anymore about him."

It was like he was a magnet sticking to me like glue. The one that you just can't get rid of.

"I kept telling myself if I was gonna be stuck there with him again, just stay out of trouble. I'd make new friends and things were actually going good until he bought up back the past." I continued a frown now on my face.

He just sat there in silence as he listened what seemed to be attentively.

"I decided instead of falling apart and not knowing how to vent my anger, I would do martial arts. So that's how I know to fight."

During that time, I began to rebel more and more and my mom got worried. I tried to go back to normal but it just wasn't happening.

"I couldn't tell my friends about him. Not even my mom. I had no one to tell. I managed to get through those years and here I am now" I said.

Tears were welling up in my eyes threatening to fall any second.

I turned my face away. He had finished treating and bandaging my wounds. I took the kit and put it up back in the drawer.

"You should get going. It's late. Thanks for everything" I said.

He looked at me one last time. His eyes asked if I was okay. I nodded my head and he left afterwards.

I never told anyone I knew so much in such a short period of time before.

"What wrong with you Tiffany?" I asked myself.

I took a shower which may I add was a very difficult task with my current condition.

Once I had successfully completed having a bath, I slipped into my shortest pyjamas and went to bed. Of course it takes wayyyy longer with my foot.

Jinjin jumped up onto the bed and laid at my feet.

I took off the nightlight and after a while of tossing and turning I finally fell asleep.

So this is the first chapter with over 1200 words so far. Who knew that Ashton had a soft side?

What will she do when her mom wants to know what will happen? Will she lie and try to cover it up or will she tell her the truth?

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