Chapter 12- Story worth telling

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I was now bracing against the wall, at the side of the building, while Mark was standing in front of me.

"It's just" his voice started trailing off. "He's gone. Dad's gone" he said before bursting into tears. I pulled him into my arms and cradled him.

"Mark what are you doing? Stop please!" I yelled. I was in high school. I could smell the alcohol coming from his mouth.

We were currently at a party. At that time, we were both in 11th grade. He had forcefully dragged me out of the party, for god knows what.

He roughly pushed me against the wall as he took both of my hands and pinned them up. "What are you...." I tried to say but I was cut off. He began to kiss me.

I tried my best to push him away but I wasn't strong enough. He shoved his tongue in my mouth. I refused to allow him to do so.

"Mark what are you doing? Stop please! I yelled. He continued until he stopped and whispered into my ears, "I'm sorry, I don't have a choice. It's either I do this or they'll hurt you."

I could smell the alcohol on him, and it was heavy. "You aren't in your right senses. You've had way too much drinks. Let's just go home" I urged.

Ignoring me, he began to kiss me on my neck, leaving hickeys from where he kissed.

I began to cry like a baby. He kissed me on my lips again. He slipped his hand down me and groped my ass, causing me to squirm.

I never kissed him back, and the people that were around us, were too caught up in whatever they were doing.

He bite my neck harshly and started trailing lower. "Mark please" I pleaded. My neck was covered in hickeys, and my lips were swollen.

He had almost reached my nipples with how low he was going.

After a while he stopped. He looked at me. His eyes were a light shade of pink. I didn't think alcohol would do that.

"Why did you do that? What do you want? Who's making you do this?" I said as I sobbed. "They made me do this. I'm sorry." He said.

He left me there as I fell to the floor crying my eyes out. He could have raped me. No, he nearly raped me, his best friend.

What made matters even worse is that it wasn't just that. There were other things that led to us becoming like this.

It started with little things like him standing me up when we planned to go out places.

I'd never been able to forgive Mark for what he had done even though deep down I knew it wasn't entirely his fault.

But we just fell out after that. We were the closest friends in the world before that incident. But for some reason, some part of me still cared.

Though I don't think I'll ever find it in my heart to forgive him for what he had done, I found it in my heart to still care, even after all this time.

Ashton POV
I followed them out. When they had finally stopped, I hid in a place where I could see and hear them.

Mark had pushed Tiffany against the wall. He told her something before he cried. She pulled him in for a hug, as she patted his back.

I was totally lost and confused because from what I know they both hate each other so much. I decided to leave because I was baffled.

Mark POV
It just felt so nice. To be back in this warm embrace. I knew I didn't deserve it after what happened between us.

To know that there is someone out there who is still willing to love you for who you are, to listen. I gripped onto her clothes. I didn't want to let go. I had missed this.

You never realize what you miss until it's gone.

It took all of my strength, but I pulled myself away from her. I looked at her straight in the eyes as I asked "Why? Why even after what happened?"

"I just don't know, maybe our friendship was stronger than we know" she replied smiling sadly.

How do you think Ashton felt after seeing that?

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