Chapter 20- Waking up in a hospital room

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Ashton POV
Gabby, Mark, Nicholas, mom and dad along with me were sitting in the waiting room. We had gotten our blood tested.

We were awaiting for the results. At long last a nurse came up to us.

"Mr. Nicholas and Mr. Ashton's blood are both O-Negative. So either one of you can donate.

"I'll donate it. I'm her husband." I said. I never thought those words would ever come other of my mouth.

"Then I'll donate my blood to the hospital itself for future purposes." Nicholas said.

We both were guided towards a room by the nurse.

We took a seat in the chairs as they began to draw our blood. They were being placed into blood bags.

I suddenly felt a wave of sleepiness. I closed my eyes as I feel asleep.

Nicholas POV
I looked over and saw Ashton was fast asleep. A small smile crept on my face. It was nice to see him genuinely worried about someone else beside mom, dad or me.

Tiffany POV
My eyes slightly opened. I opened them fully. My gaze darted all over the strange room I was in.

I felt a slight pain in my left arm. I looked at it to see it in a cast.

I looked around the room and saw Mr. And Mrs. Lucas in the room sitting down on the couch fast asleep.

Mark and Gabby were next to them. They were also fast asleep.

Nick was on my right hand side whereas Ashton was on my left hand side. They were both sitting down on chairs.

I got up from the bed. My vision was a bit blurry. My head was pounding. For some reason I couldn't remember how I reached in a hospital room.

I pulled my hands away from Nick. He was also fast asleep along with Ashton.

What a fun welcoming crew, I thought to myself.

Nick flinched. My head pounded even more now. I laid down back as I tried to sleep. After a while I fell asleep.

I woke up again shortly to see everyone awake and staring at me. I sat up again. Thankfully my head wasn't pounding as much as before.

"Tiffany honey are you ok? How are you feeling now?" Ashton's mom asked concerned.

"I'm ok. But how did I end up here?" I questioned. "You don't remember?" Mark said surprised.

"No. Everything is all fuzzy." I said. "You were in an accident." Nick said.

Then I remembered everything. "Mom! Where's mom? Where's she?" I said practically yelling. I tried to get off the bed but I fell back on. My vision was still blurry.

"She's going to be fine okay. You don't need to worry" Gabby said reassuringly.

"You'll see her when you're in a better condition, okay" Ashton's dad said in a soothing voice. Only then did I realize that Ashton had remained quiet the whole time.

I laid down back on the bed trying to piece together the conversation mom and I had in the car before the accident.

I couldn't remember it at all. Not even one word.

"What did the doctor say about my mom and I?" I asked my curiousty at its peak.

Ashton explained everything to me so nicely. I could see he was relived that I'm okay even though I knew he wouldn't admit it.

"O-Negative. Well I guess I'm just special." I said.

"Yeah rare too. If Ashton's blood had not matched yours, only God knows what would have happened." Mark said.

"Hey my blood matches her too you know.  It's not my fault Ashton said he wanted to give his blood to his wife" Nick said pretending to be hurt.

I looked at him a bit shocked wondering if I should ask him about that but I kept quiet.

"You're O-Negative too?" I questioned looking a bit shocked. "Yeah I found out today. Shocker" he responded.

"So I'm guessing let's leave these two lovebirds to talk." Ashton's dad said.

They all left the room except Ashton.

36% chance

That's been ringing through my ears since I heard that.

"Concussion. That's caused when you hit your head exceptionally hard. Now what could have caused that if my air bag was activated?" I said.

"Shouldn't you know? I mean you were in the accident." he said.

"Well you see the last thing I remember is calling mom to pick me up at the coffee shop" I said.

"Yeah, doctor Liam did mention something about amnesia. He wasn't joking." he said.

"Would that explain the pounding in my head along with blurry vision?" I inquired.

"Maybe, I'm not a doctor. You should ask him yourself" He replied.

"Oh yeah. If everything goes well you can be discharged tomorrow. That's if your condition remains stable." he stated.

"Can I go and see mom now?" I asked.

"Um.." he said.

"To hell with you, I'm going to see her." I said climbing out of my bed but this time not as fast. I grabbed my coat and slipped it on.

"Um which room is she in?" I asked awkwardly.

"Room 205." Ashton replied.

"Thanks." I said. I went out and found room 205 with ease as it was two rooms away from me.

I walked in as I saw mom on the bed. She looked so pale. She had an IV pole attached to her along with a blood bag.

She was breathing with the oxygen mask. I tried my best to look at her without turning my head away.

I sat on the chair next to her bed as I took her right hand and held it with my right hand.

He skin was so cold. I placed my head on the bed as I kept on looking at her. She looked so peaceful.

I fell asleep within asleep couple seconds. When I woke up it was morning. Light was flooding into the room.

I saw Gabby sitting on the couch in the room. Mark was walking up and down in the room. "Morning" I sleepily said.

"Oh you're up, morning." Mark said.

I looked at my watch. 9:00.

"OMG! LOOK HOW LATE IT IS! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!" I yelled. I grabbed my phone as I left the room in a hurry. I went to the doctor office to pick up some meds for me then left after being discharged.

Yeah I might be in in a hospital but my work is going to be piled up on my desk like a tower if I don't hurry and get back to work.

I mean yes I do have some injuries but they're not all that serious.

I went home immediately. I went to my room, took a shower and got ready for work as fast as I could.

Of course doing this was a lot harder with one hand injuried so I took twice as long to do things.

I went downstairs as I called Emily.

"Tiffany! Are you ok? What did the doctor say?" she asked concerned.

"I'll tell you when I get home from work. Can you please put my hair in a pony?" I'll asked shyly.

Man it sucks to fracture your hand. I mean I can't do anything at all. No more accidents for me thank you, I thought.

Yeah she sick yet for some unknown reason she's so dedicated to work.

Thanks for all the views and votes so far. I'm already at 1000 views!

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