Chapter 14- Cheers!

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I never felt happier to wash my face before. I took a quick shower and then slipped into a comfortable outfit, suitable for the bar.

 I took a quick shower and then slipped into a comfortable outfit, suitable for the bar

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"Hey mom, I'm going to meet up with a friend at that bar. Okay. Love you" I said before rushing out of the door before she could ask me anything else or keep me here at home.

I was sitting in the bar, waiting for her. I was so engrossed in thinking that I didn't realize when she sat down next to me.

"Hey, earth to Mark.? Anyone there?"

I broke out of my trance and looked up to her dazed. "Oh you came? Hi" I said a bit awkwardly.

"Hey please for two shots of Vodka." She said. You drink vodka right?" She asked.

"Yeah, why not?" I said.

"Your blue highlights looks nice. How many times have you dyed your hair?" I asked in hopes of starting up a conversation.

"Well about 2 times. Pink highlights and then blue highlights. You plan on dying yours anytime soon?"she asked.

"Maybe, maybe not" I said. " So are you coming? To the wedding?" She asked.

"Wedding! What wedding? YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!" I said shocked.

"Um yeah. Well we weren't really talking then" She said rubbing her neck awkwardly.

She was ordering another shot while I was still trying to process what was happening.

"It's an arranged marriage. Do you remember Ashton Lucas? He's my to be. That's why were together at the Amusement Park. According to our parents we're 'suppose to get to know each other better' so we had to go on a date. They picked out the place." She said calmly.

She placed the invitation on the table.

"There's everything you need to know about it" she said.

"So are you coming?" She questioned.

"I don't know, I'll have to think about it. I just didn't think that you Tiffany Young, would ever get married" I replied honestly.

"Neither did I, but what mom wants comes first." She said.

I was onto my 3rd shot while she on her 5th shot. "Hey, take it easy! Do you have a high tolerance for alcohol or something?" I asked.

"Why else would I be able to have so much and still be sane without throwing up?" She retorted.

We sat there at the bar as we talked and caught up on a lot of things. Before we knew it about 2 hours had passed. We both had a lot of alcohol in our system by now.

"Hey, I should get going. Don't want to worry mom. Bye. Text you later" she said before leaving.

"Bye" I said.

I ordered another shot of vodka once she left. I let out a soft chuckle thinking about her.

As I was about to down the shot a person from behind harshly bumped into me allowing the vodka to spill on my clothes.

"Hey watch where you're going" the person said annoyed.

"You bumped into a person sitting down idiot" I retorted.

The person turned towards me and my face dropped.

"Well well isn't it nice to see you again" he spoke his words slurred. "Why don't we have a drink?" Allan said next to him.

"No thanks. I'm heading home now" I said in an attempt to get out. I was pushed down by Allan as they joined me.

"Three shots of vodka" Allan ordered the bartender. "Why don't we catch up pal?" Ian said.

"There's notin to catch up on" I replied.

"I'd say otherwise" an all too familiar voice said taking a seat beside me.

"M-miller" I stuttered internally shivering by just saying the name.

"How's Tiffany doing?" he questioned a smirk playing on his lips.

Third person POV
"Why don't you ask her? How am I supposed to know?" Mark said. "Really because you seemed to be having a wonderful time with her just now" Miller said playing with his drink.

"W-what are you talking ab-about?" Mark stuttered scared.

Miller pulled out his phone and unlocked it. He opened his gallery and clicked on a picture. He turned his phone so that Mark could see what's on his screen.

A picture of Mark laughing at a joke Tiffany was telling him earlier.

"I thought we had a deal" Ian said.

"It was forced so I wouldn't call that a deal" Mark spoke through gritted teeth.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I hurt her then since you don't seem to care" Allan said smiling wickedly.

"Don't you dare put your filthy hands on her" Mark said getting up from his seat raising his hand threateningly.

"Ouuuu I'm so scared" Allan replied pretending to be frightened. Miller and Ian burst into laughter.

Mark's fist connected with Allan's face, the force of it forcing him onto the floor.

"Don't even think about it" Mark said getting on top of Allan's body and punching him repeatedly.

Miller and Ian watched in amusement. Once Miller felt that Allan had been through enough, he signaled Ian to pull Mark off of him which took a bit more effort that he expected it to.

"Let's take this outside shall we?" Ian said dragging Mark in his hold who was struggling to free himself.

Once they were all outside he shoved Mark to the ground. Allan with posthatse took this opportunity to get back at Mark.

Barbaric kicks and relentless punches, Mark received it all. Once they stopped, they admired what they had done to him.

Bruised, bleeding and rolling on the cement floor in pain with no one to save him.

"You can't even defend yourself yet you want to protect that girl" Ian spat.

"Pathetic" Allan commented.

Something in Mark snapped when they spoke those words. He forced his body off the ground and glared fiercely at the three guys.

"I won't be sure about that"

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I parked in the garage, got out and went to the front door. I don't think I've ever had so much fun with Mark before.

I couldn't wait to do it again. I saw that Ashton's car was still there.

I went in as I took off my shoes and placed them on the mat at the side. "Hey mom, I'm home" I yelled.

I went to the living room but I didn't see them. I looked all around except one place, my room.

I went in to find Ashton's parents, Ashton and my mom in my room. They were all fast asleep except Ashton. "Good night mom" I said placing a sweet kiss on her  cheek.

"Ashton you've got some explaining to do" I said as I pulled him out of the room. We went to the living room as I braced against the wall waiting for an explanation.

What explanation do you think Ashton is gonna give her? What is her current relationship with Mark? What's Mark relation with those three boys?

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