Chapter 11- I don't why, but I still care for you

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Back to work. Hmmmmm......

Monday came and I went to work as if nothing had happened. My colleagues had noticed my bruises. My left leg was in cast and I had a pair of crutches.

They were just bombing me with questions all day. I had given the same explaination whole day. I swear I shouldn't have gotten into that fight.

I had given invitations to everyone in my department along with some of my other friends, at other departments.

To say they were shocked when they received the invitation would be an understatement. Their faces were priceless.

After work I met up with Gabby at the coffee shop.

"Gabby" I yelled as soon as I noticed her daring orange hair.

"Hey, long time no see" She said.

"Sorry, I've been busy with work." I said.

"From what you said on the phone you don't seem to be having a joyride" She said with concern in her voice.

I've never been able to hide anything from Gabby. She knows everything about me and I likewise.

She knew exactly why I'm like this so at least I won't be answering a hundred and one questions again. I handed her the invitation then took a seat opposite her.

"Yeah, its anything but a joyride. I swear the next time I see Mark I'm gonna rip him apart. My foot will soon be back to normal. Luckily it's only a slight fracture. It's a shame it wasn't serious enough to postpone this wedding. By the way the engagement is next week Wednesday. Which, would be the 27th October."

"So are you coming to the engagement and the wedding? Well, then again, you don't have a choice. You're coming, Okay." I said in a firm tone.

"Fine. It's not like I can win against you. So what's the theme for the engagement and wedding?" She asked.

"Well the theme is the same for both." I replied.


It's the only thing we could have both agreed with or managed to agree to.

I went by his place to choose the wedding dress and get some other things in order.

When I went into his room I realized what he meant when he said his room was a 100% better.

When I went into his room I realized what he meant when he said his room was a 100% better

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It was really gorgeous. I plumped myself down on one of his chairs as I got my tablet from my bag.

I began to scroll through wedding cakes, dresses and so on. We had just sampled cakes. I'll probably be turning into one soon from the amount I ate.

I had narrowed down my choices to red velvet and chocolate. I ended up picking red velvet. He somehow picked the same. After we had picked out everything I began to think back.

Mark changed. He's different from before. I don't know how but I can just feel it. Like something's wrong with him.

I picked up my phone and began to scroll through my contacts. I finally found Mark.

I was contemplating on whether to call him or not. In the end I went with my guts and did.

"Hello." He answered. I took a few seconds before responding.

"Hello M-Mark" "who's this?" he asked. I'm assuming he deleted my number.

"This is Tiffany, Tiffany Young. Could we talk?" I asked him.

"What do you want?" he said. "Let's meet up at Crystal Bar, on Light street in an hour, okay." I replied. With that he ended the call.

I grabbed my things and left. I excused myself from his parents stating that I had an appointment with someone.

Ashton POV
As she talked on the phone she was walking up and down my room.

When I heard her say Mark's name, I became curious. I listened in on the conversation as they talked.

After she left, I decided to follow her.

Even though she said she and Mark were friends they ended up becoming enemies because of something that he had done.

I didn't trust Mark.

I told my parents that I'll be going out for a bit and left. I left in my car, at least a few minutes after Tiffany.

I managed to find her car and followed it until she parked her car. I drove past her slowly parking up in front. She hadn't noticed me yet.

I got out and followed her. She looked back as if she knew someone was tailing her. I had just enough time to hide. She went in. She sat at a table and waited.

After 15 minutes or so someone sat down with her. As I looked more carefully I realized it was Mark.

I sat at the table behind them hoping they wouldn't notice me.

Tiffany POV
Someone sat at the table with a hoodie covering their face. The person pulled off the hoodie to show it was Mark there.

"What do you want?" he snarled.

I hate how I'm feeling about this. I mean we're enemies but why the hell am I like this?

"Something is not right with you. What are you hiding?" I questioned.

"Why should you even care?" the anger in his voice becoming more distinct.

"I mean even after what happened, I don't know why Mark, but for some reason I still care about you. Okay. Can't you at least be thankful that there is someone out there who cares for you?" I said my voice raising with each word as I spoke.

I figured I was being harsh, a bit too much. I swear I saw his pain in his eyes for a split second.

"If you don't wanna talk about it fine, but I hope you'll remember I'm there for you if you ever need me." I said softly. I left the table and headed for the stairs.

Someone from behind me grabbed my hand. That person took the lead and pulled me down the stairs, out the door, to the side of the building.

The person roughly pushed me against the wall. It was Mark. He covered my mouth just in case.

He moved his hand away from my mouth.

"How would you even know?" he asked.

"I don't know okay. It's just a feeling." I answered truthfully.

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