Chapter 1

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Hey Guys! I'm new to the whole writing facfic thing so I hope you guys enjoy this! I'll be honest here, since I'm new to this its gonna start out sucky but plz just keep reading :)
I added music since it's summer in this story and why not! Haha, Here's Hang On.~

Kaitlyn's POV


"Your joking right? Stop kidding with my Sarah its not cool" I said crossing my arms

"Kaitlyn I'm not!" I rolled my eyes and walked over to my dads office

"Dad tell sarah to stop joking with me, she thinks i will believe her about moving back to North Carolina" I said annoyed

My dad turned around in his seat and started laughing, I'm confused why's he laughing

My dad grabbed my shoulders and looked right at me, "I'm guessing your mom didn't tell you the news yet"

My eyes widened and I hugged my dad the hardest I possibly could, it's actually happening. I'm going home.

End of flashback*

"Kaitlyn Elizabeth McCoy are you ready?!" My mom screamed from the living room

I scanned my empty room one last time and smiled "more than ready"

I turned my light off and walked through my empty small house, sarah was in the car all ready to head out to the airport

It wasn't a month ago I found out I get to leave Illinois and move back home to North Carolina and I couldn't be anymore excited!

I've lived in Illinois for 6 years since we moved from North Carolina and its been completely boring without my best friends

I walked next to an open box with my pictures of my best friends Hayes and Stacy

My friend Hayes grier has been my friend since we were babies and Stacy became my friend at daycare and we've been friends ever since

They're the only day friends I need besides my husky sky of course

I picked up a picture from the box and held it close thinking only a few hours and I'll be home.

"Kaitlyn let's get going! We don't want to miss our flight!"

I smiled to my self and thought

Let's do it.

Hayes's POV

I woke up with the light from the window coming right into my eye

I need curtains or something because I can't stand that anymore waking me up every morning

I stretched and got up and walked to my desk to check the time on my phone, the clock read 8:59am

Ugh its way to early for my liking, my eye looked over to my calendar and saw a big cirle on today's date

When my vision was clear enough I read what was in cirle *Kaitlyn moves back!*

"What?" I thought for a second until I realized what I just read!

"Yes!!!" I screamed a little too loud

"Hayes some people are still trying to sleep!" Nash screamed next door

I rolled my eyes and jumped on my bed, I pulled the photo of kaitlyn, Stacy, and I out from under my pillow

I haven't seen Kaitlyn since she moved except for face time which wasn't enough

I wanted to see her in person as she grew up, not on a tiny screen

I bet she grew up beautifully as she always was

I smiled at the memories we shared and being able to make more when she comes home

Memories consisted of dress up and arts and crafts for Kaitlyn and I

Even more were of Kaitlyn always needing to take a nap between our play dates

I never knew why she always had to have one since I didn't but I never asked and I laid next to her until she woke up

The number one thing however is pretending to have a wedding, Kaitlyn just loved having them with me becauae she wanted our friend ship forever

Of course me being dumb thought we were really getting married so I called her Mrs.Grier but she just laughed and told me the real reason

It hurt finding out the real reason but I just kept a good thought in the back of my head

Who knows what the future holds for us

I slipped the picture back under my pillow and thought of Kaitlyn and how I love her. Oh crap. I said it.

I mentally slapped myself and put my face into my pillow, I cant help it, I like kaitlyn and more then a friend.

I know she doesnt like me but I won't loose hope, it just takes time.

I slump off my bed and head to the shower, my house is completlty quiet but as soon as the McCoys arrive it will be full of laughter

I turn the water on the shower and smile realizing what's going to be happening in a few hours

My best friend is finally coming home


Why do first chapters always suck? Well I'm redoing this authors note because at the moment I'm writing chapter 25 for this book so basically I can promise you that this book gets better! Also this chapter is short but I just needed somewhere to start so Here ya go!

Hang on. (Hayes Grier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now