#17 Luhan-Study

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  • Dedicated to Everybody

Dedicated to all deers out there, and every student suffering from Stress, School Crap, Pressure and Excessive Homework like me! Enjoy~:-)


Your POV

I shuffled wearily to the study room and threw myself down onto the chair. I sighed heavily as I flipped open my textbook and began doing the assigned practices. I unconsciously gnawed on my pen as I frowned at the awful questions. My stomach growled, but I ignored it. As usual, I had no time to eat. I had 3 math assignments, a comprehension practice, 2 poems to study and analyze, and I had a presentation the next day. I could not waste time over trivial things like eating.

I rubbed at my temples tiredly. Lately, I always felt like bursting into tears and I felt drained. I was losing weight quickly, too. To top it all, I was missing Luhan. He was overseas and would only come back next week. I got only 3 hours of sleep everyday, and this was making me grouchy. I ignored the sound of the door opening as I began on my second assignment.

Luhan POV

I softly opened the door. I was home a week earlier than expected, and I couldn't wait to see ____. I padded quietly around our flat and finally saw her in the study room. I was about to jump out and surprise her when I saw how thin she was. She looked pale and overworked; her hand was stick thin; her usually thick hair was limp and her dark eye circles were more horrible than Tao's. I glanced at the huge pile of books and paper in front of her and sighed. She was obviously suffering from stress. "Jagi," I called out softly, smiling at the sight of her. She looked up and her eyes widened. I laughed at her reaction and she came bounding up to me. I caught her up in my embrace and swung her up, shocked at the amount of weight she lost? Did she eat when I was away?

Your POV

Luhan's back! I jumped up excitedly. Oh, how I missed his hugs and cuddles. I gurgled as he swung me up high into the air. He led me out to the couch and we sat down. "I'm glad you're back,"I whispered, leaning on his shoulder. "I'm glad I'm back. Did you even eat or sleep when I was away? You look so gaunt, it's not you," Luhan stated seriously, looking at me. "I haven't got enough time to eat and sleep, because I've got so much homework," I replied in a small voice. He sighed and placed me on his lap, caressing my hair slowly.

"From now on, you're eating three proper meals a day, and you'll sleep at least 6 hours a day? Arrasso?" "But, I've got homework," I protested. "Then I'll help you," he whispered as I snuggled into his warm body. "Mmm," I nodded, nuzzling my face in his collarbone, breathing in his sweet smell. Everything was fine, now that Luhan was back. I smiled up at him, and closed my eyes as his soft lips met mine. I kissed him back hungrily, eager to taste those familiar lips again. "Saranghae, jagiya," he cooed, pinching my cheek. "Nado saranghae," I smiled, before drifting off to sleep.


A/N: I got inspiration while doing homework. God, I need a Luhan too:) I hoped you guys liked this. I kinda typed this in a hurry, because I'm a sad kid who swims in homework. It was horrifically short, and I apologize. Yea, this is happening to me. Losing weight, black eye circles and being a grouch. That's me, man. I hope you guys are coping better than me? I'd wouldn't want you guys to suffer like this too. Message me your requests:) and I'll do it. You guys are AWESOME, btw. My reads jumped by 120 in the last 24 hours and I'm seriously amazed! Love you guys! Stay free! Votes and comment!

-Venus the stressed author:/ who dreams of deers drinking bubble tea while hugging her fantabulous readers:D

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