#68 Lay-Waltzing

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For SparklingBubbleTea, biggest Yixing fan I've ever seen xD I lost your request >.< so I don't know who's supposed to be the new kid...I hope it's Lay?



"Here! Here!"

I collapse on the floor as I wave frantically at Mdm Lee, who placidly goes on calling names, stopping only once to adress me-now lying undignifiedly on the floor huffing and puffing.

"At least you aren't late," she remarks, before ticking off the last few names and putting the attendance sheet away.

"We have a new student, Yixing. Please take care of him." Our dance class doesn't bother to look up, and I just grunt as I tighten my shoelaces and do my stretching.

Around me, people are finishing their routines, and it isn't long before Mdm Lee claps her hands. "We're having evaluation, and I'll pair you up by rankings. Do your best. Angie, you're up."

I slump back slightly as I watch Angie go up front and dance BTOB's Insane. She finishes her routine and we clap all clap at her stellar performance.


The time ticks away as she calls out names, and they go up.


I scramble to my feet and hurry to the front, before BTS No comes on.

"5,6,7,8!" I look up and spin to the side, going along with the music. Eventually, it feels as if I'm just alone, dancing without an audience.

Left, right, twist, step-my feet seem to move nimbly on their own, and when the final notes float out, I spin and strike my final pose.

I stare around, out of breath, but flushed and proud. The class claps, and I flop back on my seat.

"Good job," someone whispers, but I shrug it off.


"Zhang Yixing."

That's probably the new guy. He's wearing a black hoodie and white shirt, and he goes up calmly.

"Exo's Overdose," he tells Mdm Lee, and she nods and starts the track.

I raise an eyebrow as he starts dancing. He starts off simply, and we all sigh.

As the song goes on, he actually begins to dance. I jerk up slightly in my seat and choke as I watch him move. It's just so- just so professional. Like he's a paid dancer.

When he finishes, we all burst into spontaneous applause, cheering wildly. He bows shyly and scampers back to his chair, his skin a tinge of red. Gosh, he's just so cute.

"Well done, class. I'll have your evaluations out in a while," Mdm Lee called, her heels clicking against the floor.

I chew on my nail as I look at her scribbling away with her red pen in hand. Would I get first spot?

"Yixing, good job. I liked the -" I mentally tune her out as she speaks. Much as I know he deserves it, I just can't help that wistful feeling.

"Chrissi, you're good. Just a little more rythm and you're done." I nod happily as she reads out my evaluation. Mm, second is good enough.

"You'll be pairing with Yixing."

"Yes, Mdm Lee."


"Dang it, who do you think you are?"

"Like duh, I'm me."

"So you want to be funny?"

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