#40 Suho-Note

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Dedicated to RashaSiwonest, my fabulous Elf buddy:D, who requested this story of our lovely angel~ Enjoy:))


Rasha POV

Tick. Tick. Tick. The steady ticking of the clock was driving me crazy. We were having History, and the monotone of the teacher lulled even the deepest imsoniacs into a coma. Everything was still as students lay sprawled on their tables, drowning in the summer heat.

I closed my eyes sleepily as the teacher droned on, lost in her own world of external threats. As my lids settled themselves over my eye, a sudden small impact on my head caused them to fly open. I turned my head around tiredly, and saw a scruched-up paper on the floor. It had prevented my sleep. My precious sleep. I glared at the little criminal on the floor, radiating innocence all round. It'd interrupted my beauty sleep, and I couldn't forgive it for that. It was a crime punishable by law, really.

Yet it seemed to behold an aura of importance and mystery. The urge to open it up overpowered my anger and I flattened it out. The anger died away as I saw the familiar scrawly handwriting.

Hey Rasha. I can't go home with you today. I've got business. Love, Suho;) I turned around and shot him a look. Mh boyfriend was slumped out on his desk, and he looked like he was dead to the world. I scribbled a quick reply and threw it back at him, before I turned back and sniggered.

"Ring!" We all stood up and grabbed our books before the teacher could dismiss us properly. I heaved a sigh of relief as I packed my bag. I was glad that I'd managed to survive the history class. My record is clean. I have never slept in class! I was proud of myself. Really, who could lay a claim to such a prestigious title?

I grinned as I felt arms wrapping around my waist. Suho pouted as he placed his chin on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I can't go home with you," he whispered.

"I'll be fine, really. But you owe me for disrupting my sleep," I said, punching his arm. He laughed and we headed out together, before he left for his extra activity.

I climbed up the stairs to the staff room. I had to take my Literature test today, as I'd been sick last week.

I bowed politely to the teacher before I walked back home. Gosh, that poem was hard. And I was sure that I'd messed up the second question.

The streets were silent as I made my way home. I quickened my pace as a chill shot through my spine. The eerie silence was unnerving, and I wanted to get out of the place. Tap. I glanced around nervously, looking for the source of the noise.

I padded home jumpily, feeling as if the ground was red hot. I was reaching home, but I didn't feel any safer.

A hand covered my mouth, and I was jerked away roughly. I struggled desperately, but the grip on my arm was unrelenting, firm. What had I done? Why was I like this? What was going to happen to me? I looked around for an escape route, but a hand clamped down on my head.

"You're coming with us, missy. And it wouldn't be wise to run away," The hiss that came into my ear was soft, but the sinister undertone made me even more afraid. It was hopeless. I was surrounded by a gang of men, all in black.

My fate was sealed. I stopped struggling, and I looked down at tge floor. Goodbye, world. A tear welled up in my eye as Suho's face came into my mind. I was going to miss his laugh. His smile. I was going to miss him.

"Let her go," My head jerked up and I stared at the figure ahead. Suho was glaring at the men, and his voice was steely.

"Your Prince Charming is here to rescue you, Rasha. But there will be no happy ending, I am afraid," His words were laced with poison, and I felt a cold barrel pressed to the side of my head.

But I was suddenly dropped to ground. I looked up to see Luhan wrestling the man, before Sehun grabbed the gun. Exo had arrived, and I watched as Tao expertly knocked the men to the ground. Most of the men were lying on the ground, injured and bleeding.

My relief was not to last long as I thought it would. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck, and I gasped. "It's not going to be so easy, because she will die," My eyes swiveled to see a man in black. I panted for breath as he tightened his grip around my neck. It was getting harder to breathe, and everything seemed to be blurry. Exo was spinning, the ground was spinning, the world was spinning.

In my dizzying world, I could make out a hazy figure lunging at the man, before a heap of boys came running. I collapsed onto the cold sidewalk, but breathing suddenly became a lot easier.

Slowly, everything seemed to slide into place, and I glanced around. Twelve worried eyes stared back at me, and I blinked. Were the men gone? "It's okay, Rasha. They're gone," I turned around to see Suho by my side, rocking me gently in his arms. The events of the last half hour came back to me, and I sobbed. I had almost lost my life twice, and I thought I was going to die.

"Don't cry. Let"s get you home now," Suho cooed, and I gulped. "S-sure," I sniffed.

"Hyung! She needs bubble tea!" We all laughed as Sehun called out to us. I smiled. I would always be safe, as long as Suho was around.


A/N: A Suho request:D! I hope you like it, Rasha, even if it isn't too Suho-ish. Suho has this bad boy side that people don't see, I think. Gangsters in disguise is very in my favors these days. And Sehun and Chen are bias wreckers, really. Especially ChenChen;> Gawsh, school has started again (last week was a 'holiday') Gawsh is such a cool word, don't you guys think so? Yea? It was a product of gummy bears XD I had a Chinese test yesterday, and it was hard. I'm doomed. Chinese exams are next week, so I need to get a move on Chinese(I doubt my status as a Higher Chinese student:I) Well, I hope this update is okay:)  So bye~! Vote and comment!

-Venus, the "higher chinese" student ;/[I don't know whether to laugh or be sad at my status, really. But you guys can choose;3]

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