#31 Lay-Peony

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Dedicated to Deltia, who requested this and pink fluffy Unicorns in the galaxy, pooping rainbows! Enjoy;D


I open my eyes and stare around. The room is too bright for my newly opened eyes and I squint a little from the glare. I am in my room. But why? My dull gaze settles upon a vase in the room. A single stalk of white peony grows there, standing tall and graceful. Its creamy snow white petals seems to glow softly against the shiny black surface of the glass, making it seem more mysterious. My eyes are drawn towards that alluring stalk of flower, standing proudlt in solitary. "Delly, Delly," it seems to whisper, as the wind blows gently, the gauze curtains fluttering softly in the light breeze.

I stare at the flower, enchanted, but my head suddenly throbs painfully. I gasp as memories start to stir in my head, pounding to be discovered. I suddenly realise the reason why I am here, lying on my bed.

I down the glass and hiccup. "Another one," I gurgle, and grab my tooth mug and take a swig of the bitter yellow drink inside. The drink makes me choke, but the numbing effect that settles in my body is comforting, almost pleasurable. I feel almost detatched from reality, which I seek so hard to avoid. I took another gulp, and wallowed in self pity again. Lay probably had a girlfriend, so why did I care? We were just best friends after all, so what was I expecting? He had a life of his after all, so why was I so upset? Because I loved him.

"Miss, you should stop drinking. Your boyfriend would be worried. I'm Minseok, by the way," called the bartender, as he walked over to my seat. "Lay? Zhang Yixing? He probably has his own girlfriend, while I'm stuck in the friend zone," I slurred, my face crumpling up in disappointment. "Zhang Yixing? Oh, I know him. Don't cry, he didn't tell me that he had a girlfriend," Minseok cooed, patting me on the back to stop the bawls that were escaping from my mouth.

I was too busy sobbing, the bitter tears choking me up. It was too much to bear. 8 years of waiting and hoping was too much for me to take. I shoved some bills at Minseok, suddenly desperate to escape from the racous bar. "Have it, I gotta go," I burbled, staggering from my high chair, almost tripping on my feet. "Wait! Don't go, Delly!" Minseok yelled, but I had already managed to make my way out of the door.

The cool night air hit my face, making me retch backwards a little. I take a deep breath and tottered unsteadily. The world was jumping about, shifting from side to side. "Lay, why did you do this to me?" I yelled, ignoring the stares peolpe threw at me. I staggered around, fumbling as I walked forward. "Move out of the way!" a voice screamed.

Bright lights, a flash, screeching and hushed voices filled my brain as I felt my self go airborne before crashing down with a hard thud. I was faintly aware of somebody's body pressing against mine before my world went dark and silent.

I stared at the solitary flower, shining in the spring sunlight. It was haunting how it seemed to be alive. "I'm glad you're up, Delly," "Thank you for saving me from that car, Lay," I whispered, not bothering to turn my head back. The scars of that night were still fresh, and my heart winced painfully with every breath I took. "You didn't need to try to kill yourself like that, Delly. I don't have a girlfriend, because I have my eyes on only one girl. And that girl is you, Delly," I sit up stiffly, half believing what I had just heard. Those words were too good to be true.

"I will always be with you, to heal your every wound, Delly," he whispered, as I leaned back into his warm chest. "Our love is like that peony, where I will always revive you, no matter what. I'll be your white knight in shining armour," And we sat like this, me in his embrace, as the curtains fluttered and the white peony in the black vase seemed to glow a tad brighter.


A/N: Hey guys! I'll be starting this series where the titles will be flowers and the story will revolve around the meaning. The white peony is a sign of healing, so it was perfect for Lay, our little healing unicorn! I hoped you liked it, Delly^^ Thanks a lot for requesting, by the way! I liked the story line, but incorporating the meaning was pretty hard:/ but I'll try harder. Pray for me, because I have a Chinese test (of which I know I will fail) But on to happier things! I've been barking and clapping like a seal demented, and my family is awful MAD at me:( If they got 4k reads, they'd be like that too! 300+ reads in less than a day is AMAZING and I am currently a full scale retard now! Thanks a lot, guys! I LOVEEE you all! :* Take care, and bye! Vote and comment!

-Venus the crazy seal who is driving everyone crazy:D

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