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  april seventh, two thousand-nine.

  Business was booming for both of the twins. Tony had Stark Industries as big as ever, but you probably are already aware of that. Athena was doing just as well on her own.
  The CEO of her own company, one that used to just be a piece of her childhood. She never thought Star Co. would be reality, but here she stood today, the most powerful women in the country, probably almost in the world. Star Co. manufactured, packaged, sold and shipped just about everything in the medical world. Athena crafted many new machines and methods, which won her many awards.
  You might be wondering, how did this all happen? Athena went from being a child hidden from the world to being an icon. Athena grew up. That's the answer, plain and simple. When her parents passed away, she didn't see a reason not to start her own path. She went by Athena Star while Anthony was known as Tony Stark, making it seem that they are not related.
  The public bought it and off to medical school she went, skipping right to it. She graduated med school faster than almost any other person in the world, skipping 3 and a half years due to her knowledge. Athena has now a total of 8 degrees and multiple diplomas.
  She took the opportunity to make something that would help the world, and sure enough... she did. Athena created a machine that could diagnose any type of poison within 8 minutes. From bee venom to polonium-210 and dispense a suitable cure or treatment within about 2 hours.
  The contraption was named P.D.M.A.E.S., the Poison Diagnostic Machine by Athena Ellanoire Star. It eventually won her a Nobel prize in the year 1998. Ever since then, she has taken to manufacturing medical equipment and shipping it worldwide.
  Anthony may be a billionaire and a superhero, but Athena is no stranger to that either. With a net worth of $1,268,000,000 and a machine that saves hundreds of lives on the daily, she can be considered just that.
  Tony and Athena do not speak in public, however they chat on the phone almost everyday and text throughout their work schedules. They are better friends than ever and are both extremely proud of themselves.
  The twins act as though they haven't met eachother yet in public though. Tony just produced the first Iron man suit so he was just becoming super famous now. Of course, he was already a billionaire who was known worldwide, but now he was a superhero.
  Eventually the world decided they "meet" eachother and from then on they began to be able to speak more in public. The first ever conference together was monumental, a billionaire man and woman. It was all over the news the day it was announced and months after. The twins were professional and showed no relationship between eachother. Pepper Potts, Tony's assistant, helped put everything together. "She's incredible," Athena thought after meeting her for the first time.
  It was crazy how nobody found out yet, but it was perfect. They were both doing impossibly well for being still young. They had so much to look forward to and so much to do. It was only 2009, who knows what the world had in store for the Starks.

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