-forty eight-

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  I had a meeting with Nikita today at my building. It was 9:00am right now and the meeting was at noon. I had three hours to kill. There wasn't much for me to do other than head to the building early.
  I felt bad, I'm supposed to be there everyday, but I can't. I don't have the time or the energy. I have so many other things that take priority over regular work and development. I had to get my shit back from Raina and her goons.
  A really long time ago, I got stabbed with a huge dosage of a combination of drugs which left an ugly mark on my back. I said I would tell someone if it didn't go away, but I didn't. It's been hurting again lately.
Any spare time I have, I'm running tests on myself. I hate it, a lot, but it needs to be done. I might be dying, I might be mutating. I can't crack it though, I don't have any symptoms of anything.
  I thought it was because of how hard I was injected and how big the needle was, but it's been months. Anything like that would have gone away. Maybe I've been poisoned or something. Don't know and don't have time to care.
  I drove myself over to the Star building and sat at my desk and started cracking on the mountain of paperwork that overtook my office. Apparently being away for so long makes you have a lot of things to do? Crazy.
  It was 11:50 so I made my way down to the conference room floor and went into room C. These rooms booked quickly, even I had to fight for a spot sometimes. In my own building.
  Half an hour went by and they still weren't here. It was almost 12:30, the traffic wasn't bad today and they weren't lost because they've been here before. Something was up.
  "Hey Jason?" I called out the door.

  "Yes Miss Star?"

  "Where are my guests? Have they entered the building yet? Natasha Romanoff and Nikita Romanova."

  "They haven't signed in. I can call Laurie." Laurie was the secretary.

  "Thanks Jason. Let me know."
  I sat there twiddling my thumbs when Jason came in to tell me they haven't been seen by any of the staff today. Weird. I stood up and walked out the door when my wrist was grabbed and I was thrown back into the conference room.
  Jason and Darrel held their guns up and ordered the owner of the hand that held me to back off. He didn't. Other guards in the hallway heard the commotion and ran over. Apparently this was important.
  Was I scared? No. Whoever was grabbing me was surrounded by some of New York's finest security. And they haven't done anything to me yet. If they wanted to hurt me they would have already.
  Everything seemed to go in slow motion. It felt like we were standing here for minutes when really it was a mere few seconds since I stepped out of the room. It all happened so slowly yet so fast.
  "Cool it Jase."

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