-twenty seven-

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I had to convince Tony to get surgery to get that thing out of him, it was only killing him. He would never get better and it hurt me to see him this way. I needed to convince him. I needed something, anything, that he wouldn't be against.
I just had an epiphany. I'm a heart surgeon. Maybe Tony wouldn't reject that idea, he trusts me more than anyone in the world. Maybe he'll let me take it out of him.
No, I'm insane. I can't. I've only operated on smaller heart surgeries. I mean, technically it wasn't his heart. I would have to remove the whole arc reactor, reattach everything to where it's actually supposed to be and remove the shrapnel. It was too much for me.
Tony didn't trust anyone else enough, hell, I don't think he even trusts me enough. I was one of the top surgeons in the world, I could do it. I could. The thing I couldn't do was live with myself if something went wrong. I was just rusty.
It would help him. It would be beneficial. I needed to at least offer. If he denied it, that's his decision and I tried. If he wanted to, then I'd have to follow through.
I got in my car and drove over to the tower. This was really happening. Of course I wanted him to say yes, but I didn't at the same time. I was trembling the whole way there, and finally, I did.
Jarvis lead me up to where Tony was, in his lab of course. I walked in without knocking and he flipped his toolbox over when I closed the door.

"Almost give you a heart attack?"

"Very funny, I wanna ask you something."

"What's up?"

"So, I know you really don't want surgery because you don't trust other surgeons."


"And this is just an idea, but ummm..."

"Athena, just tell me."

"I just want you to be safe Tony and I just feel like there's only one way to do it and you know-"


"Sorry! You know I'll just go. I'll see you later T."

"Athena, you came here for a reason. What was that?"

"If you want, I'll do your surgery. If you don't, it's fine. I just wanted to offer."

"Thanks Athena. The real reason I don't want the surgery is because I used some of dad's designs and it's like one of the last few things I have of him left."

"I thought you and dad were never close?"

"We weren't. But why do you think I am there I am today?"

"I get it. I understand. It's up to you Tony. You're just all I have left Tony. I don't have anyone to turn to if I lose you."

"You won't lose me Athena."

"I will. But I don't someone like Pepper to turn to. I don't have friends like Banner and Steve and Clint. It's just me Tony. It's just me. I'm only close to you, I can't trust anyone to open up to enough."

"I know. People used you and hurt you before but sometimes opening back up isn't a bad thing."

"Whatever, we're getting off track. If you want the surgery, call me."

"Not yet."

"Only a matter of time."
Check out my new story, "Romanova," out now! It's all about Natasha and her life. ❤️❤️

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