-thirty seven-

577 17 3

"Bad things like what?"

"I don't really remember. Some would explode because I didn't finish the formula yet. Others would release extremely toxic gases. Some would probably be poisonous."

"Okay, uh. I'll be over in 20."

I felt a hand on my shoulder when I was at the computer desk and turned to see Tony. I got up and hugged him and he took the chair and looked at the screen. He looked like he was thinking, really hard.
His foot tapped rabidly against the marble flooring as he stared into the screen. He was clicking things and dragging things across the screen, things that even I couldn't keep up with.
"I tried finding the IP addresses that had access to the files but I couldn't find any that didn't belong to this building."

"How many were there?"


"Kayla, who did you grant access?"

"Nobody Athena."

"Before I left you in charge, there were only 7. Me, you, Zach, Jay, Aliana, Matt and Vanessa. Who did you grant access?"

"Athena I didn't grant access to anyone!"

"You're positive?"

"100%. I would never."

"Would anyone have a way of finding out the password?"

"No. I'm positive."

"Okay, Kayla, everyone, go home. Take tomorrow."

"Athena this happened when I was in charge here, it's my fault and I need to be here."

"There's not much we can do right now. Tony's going to help me figure this out. Thanks guys."
Everyone got up and left while Tony's eyes never left the computer screen. I sat down at the computer next to him and logged into my account on it. Time to get to work.
Tony tracked the IP addresses and I found out the owners of the computers. I overrode the systems to all of them. Sure enough, they were mine, Kayla's, Zach's, Jay's, Aliana's, Matt's and Vanessa's... but there was one more.
Raina Hernandez. I fired her three weeks ago because I caught her stealing meds from one of the cabinets at the lab. It made perfect sense that she would steal my files and money.
I showed Tony the computer and logged in so he could have access to track the files. He opened a files tab and sure enough, there they were. The question was... why were they still on this computer?
Tony ran the files to see if they were copied, and sure enough... they were. These were the copies, the originals were on her private PC. She wasn't my brightest team member, someone had to have been helping her.


"Stop and look at me."

He opened one more window before spinning around in the chair to face me.

"I'm trying to figure this out T."

"And I'm not? Listen to me for a second."


"Lose the attitude. Anyway, Raina wasn't the smartest, she wasn't working alone."

"How do you know? Any idiot can copy a file."

"So you're saying... your firewall and coding and everything else you installed, any idiot can get through there?"

"No I'm not saying that-"

"You just did."

"Don't twist my-"

"You twisted your own words."

"You're being really annoying."

"Don't be a little bitch Tony."

"Did you just-?"

"I did."

"Let me finish what I'm doing please."

Tony turned his gaze to the bright screen once more before sighing and cursing. He turned around slowly after enlarging something on the screen.
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