-sixty eight-

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"Athena?" Someone recognized me?
"That's me."
"Athena, you in there?"
"I'm right here."
"She still isn't verbally responsive and now she isn't resounding at all."
My eyes wouldn't open and I couldn't tell who was talking to me. I was still here. Don't give up on me yet. I've fallen into a coma. Give me some time. I'll wake up. Operate on me, fix my brain and my organs. Fix me. Don't give up. Please.
This couldn't be the end of my story. I still had so much more to do on this earth. I had to save lives, unlike these morons who are costing me mine. I had to see Tony again. I had to let him know how sorry I am. I had to see Pepper and Bruce, Natasha and Nikita. Steve and Clint. I wasn't done yet.
In my head I was crying, I doubt I really was though. I had to hug my brother. Oh, I couldn't leave him alone. I couldn't leave Tony. I knew he would be in good hands, but I couldn't leave him.
  "Athena? I don't know if you can hear me. It's Tony. Please try and wake up. I miss you," he was crying. Tony never cries.
  "I'm still here Tony."
  I never had any doctors operate on any of my patients, and this was why. I couldn't trust anyone other than myself to get the job done right. Maybe I was a lost cause, but they better not have told anyone they did everything they could. They could have done so much more, so much sooner. Maybe I'd still be alive.
  I never got married. I never had kids. I never got to be an aunt. I never got the life I dreamed of as a little kid. I'm a doctor, I know there's no coming back from this. I'm going to be brain dead in a couple of hours. I'm out of time.
  If I knew my life was going to be this short, I would have done so much more. I wouldn't have cared about paperwork. I would have done more.... Tony-like things. He has fun. I worked. I wasted my life on nothing.
  My thoughts were scattered. Nothing was clear to me anymore. I couldn't focus on one thought. I couldn't hear anyone talking, so I knew I was dying. My brain was giving up as it should. There's no chance. I'm as good as gone.
  I got myself into that accident, but I could have lived. I could have made it out of this hospital. I died because of my biggest fear. Medical malpractice. I never killed anyone who I could have possibly saved. These people had time, and they wasted it. They could have given me a shot at life, and they blew it.
  My head was bright, which didn't make sense, I couldn't see anything. My eyes were closed. Yet there was light. I was scared. I wasn't ready for this. I couldn't die. They pulled the plug on me I assume. I guess Tony thought I wouldn't want to live as a vegetable.
  I guess he was right. I couldn't feel any pain. This wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. I wanted to live, but being hooked up to machines forever? That's not living.
  I felt one last squeeze on my hand and I tried to squeeze back. It didn't work.
  "I love you Tina."
  "I love you too Tony."

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