-fifty three-

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This time, I was on something hard. I could move my arms without the searing pain.
My eyes fluttered open but this time, there was no one hovering over me.
  The place was familiar, I've been here before. I just can't put my finger on it.
I sat up and looked around, it was huge and looked like a hospital, but different.
I've only been in 3 hospitals, the one I was born in, mine and... oh god.
No no no, this could not be happening. How could I be here? I couldn't be here, I needed to get out of here.
I slowly slid out of the bed and took my shoes from beside the bed and slunk through the walkway between the counter tops.
This lab was intricate and complicated to navigate, easy to get lost in, easy to hide. Bruce could be anywhere in here.
  There was no ground entry to the lab so I would have to risk running into someone on the elevator.
  The elevator was the main obstacle, I couldn't run away when I was trapped in there.
I reached the door and pressed the up arrow, the lab was underground for some reason. No windows to let out the chemical fumes.
The elevator door opened and there was nobody inside, I had to go up to the ground floor.
The ground floor has the lobby and some other offices in the back, there would be people everywhere.
The lobby was my best bet, they'd obviously call Tony if they found someone sneaking around the offices.
I stepped into the elevator and was greeted by Jarvis.
"Hello Miss Star."
"Hey Jarvis, do me a favour. Don't tell Tony I'm here okay?"
"Miss Star, he's the one who brought you down to the lab."
"Damn it! Okay, don't let him find out my current whereabouts."
"Of course."
So that was Tony that I saw when I was half awake the first time.
The elevator door dinged and Jarvis bid me farewell. I stepped out of the elevator and kept my head low.
Everyone around here knew me, every secretary, builder and security guard.
It would be hard to lay low without seeming like a security threat.
  I was almost at the door when someone cut me off and knocked me over. So much for laying low.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry about that ma'am."
"Oh it's fine. Have a good day."
I picked myself up off of the floor and adjusted my jacket over me. Maybe nobody noticed me.
  The man who knocked me over didn't walk away like any normal person would, what was this guy's deal?
  He just stared at me for a second. I didn't turn all the way to face him, I would be caught for sure if I looked up.
  I grabbed my bag off the ground and threw it over my shoulder, he still didn't look away.
  I was definitely compromised. There was no way he didn't recognize me, I just had to pray for him not to call out my name to the entire lobby.
  I made it to the door and I could still feel his eyes burning into the back of my head.
  I slowly turned around and wished I would have just kept walking.

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