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april fourth, two thousand twelve.

After two months of "mental recovery" I was finally okay to start getting into the Africa stuff again, well, according to my team. I was fine since Tony brought me home, I was never not okay. Everyone was so scared for me but I didn't care. I understood the risks of being a female in the business field, and I took it.
Tony had started talking to a girl, Natalie Rushman and a man named Bruce Banner. We met for coffee once a week to begin taking about our upcoming project together. We needed some better ideas before we could really get moving.
Bruce Banner was even smarter than I was, an absolute genius. He put Tony and I to shame. Seven PHD's! Seven! He understood technology like Tony did, expect he could put Tony to shame.
Natalie had the best hair and was just a total sweetheart. She was super kind and she began working for Stark Industries. She offered to help out whenever I needed over at Star Co. and gave super great advice. Who knew?
Tony's girlfriend, Pepper, and I were really good friends as well. She kept Tony in line and his ego small enough to be managed. She was sensible, calm and overall amazing. We met quite often too, as friends though, not business partners.
Pepper was the newest CEO of Stark Industries and believe me, she could handle it better than Tony ever could. She would come over to my place all the time and when we both could fit it in, we'd meet for lunch somewhere. She was so badass too, I wish I was more like her.
I was supposed to meet Tony today for lunch at the tower. I was really tired from last night though, I stayed up trying to finish the final Africa paperwork. I still had piles to do but I made a pretty nice dent. I stepped out into the bright Manhattan sun and made my way to my car. To Tony's we go.
The car ride there was absolutely horrible. There was so much traffic, I couldn't believe this many people lived here! Horns blared and tires squealed, this city was a madhouse. I was so close, yet it seemed so far.
After driving through hell, I finally made it to the tower alive. I was let in by security and made my way up to Tony's personal floor with the assistance of JARVIS in the elevator. He said there was something important, I wasn't too sure it was though.
I stepped out into the large open floor and sat on the couch and texted Tony I was here. Within a minute he walked out of his office and sat next to me.

"Tina, I've got something huge to tell you about."

"All ears Anthony."
"Have you heard of someone called Loki?"

"In Norse mythology, why?"

He took a deep inhale and slowly exhaled, crossing his legs and resting his hands on his knee.

"I know it's hard to believe, but he's real, and he's here."

"My ass."

"Athena, I swear. He's in the tower. I was trying not to get you involved but I thought you'd want to know."

"Who else knows?"

"Remember how dad would go on and on about Steve Rogers- Captain America?"


"He helped catch him... and his brother Thor, him too. Natalie, well, Natasha I guess and um, Bruce does too. My boss Nick Fury and his team. Aaaaaaaand everyone he tried to rule over?"

"Oh that's it?" Sarcasm dripped from my voice. "Only the whole city? No biggie."

"Well I thought it would be alot for you...."

"Suck it Tony, I can see him?"

"I at least owe you that."

"Then get up and show me."

"As you wish princess."

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