-twenty nine-

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Athena POV.


  "Yeah, it's for the best."

  "Who changed your mind?" He didn't decide this on his own.

  "James. Also, he wants your number."

  "Cool, you can give it to him, he did save your life after all."

  "Hey! I was planning on doing it before I went to him."

  "Sure you were. Come see me whenever you want a consultation."


  "Sure. Meet at my place and I'll drive us there."

  "Thanks Tina. You're the best."

  "I know," and with that, I hung up.
  Tony wanted me to do the surgery. His life was literally in my hands. I don't know if I could do this anymore. I've never removed an Arc Reactor from someone.
  Tony came over the next morning and I drove us to the hospital where I would be performing the surgery. It was about a 45 minute drive with no traffic, so it was a ways away.
  This was my private hospital. I had it built for me a few years ago. Only my top priority cases get sent there and only my top doctors work there. I had a private operating room they no one else was allowed to use except for me.
  The hospital had very high security because of the experimental drugs and whatnot. I scanned my access card and my fingerprint and was granted access to the massive building.
  We walked down the long, white, hallway and reached my operating room. I showed Tony around and showed him the equipment I would be using. I introduced  him to the sterilization technician, the anesthesiologist and all the other staff.
  Tony seemed more confident by the end of the consultation and to be honest, I did too. He didn't seem to on edge and it made me feel alot better. I was ready for this surgery.
  I drove Tony back to the tower and we set a date for the surgery. Two weeks from today. Two. I had two weeks to finish all my research and practice and preparation.
  I got home and reviewed all of my books and diagrams about chest and heart surgery and surgical techniques. I could not slip up. I haven't done a surgery like this in a long time.
  I stayed up all night studying, it was like I was back in university again. Pulling all nighters and cramming information. I still had 13 days to prepare but I need to perfect this.
13 days later.
Athena Star(k) POV.

  Today was the big day. Tony would be coming in at noon and the surgery would begin at 12:30. The sterilization technician was coming in right now to begin cleaning everything.
  I supervised everything and she didn't miss a spot. The phone rang and it was the receptionist calling to let me know that Tony was here. I thanked her for letting me know and I made my way to the lobby.
  Tony was sitting in the lobby, tapping his his shoes and twiddling his thumbs.

  "Hey Tony, come on in," I needed to make him feel welcome and he needed to think I was confident.

  "Hey Tina." He looked at his shoes the whole walk to the room.
  It was finally time. I took a few deep breaths and called the anesthesiologist in.

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