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I walked back inside and upstairs to my office. The computers were still logged in so that was my first order of business. I walked in to the main common area with all the computers and logged out of all of those and then my own.
Tony was being really mean right now and I have no idea why. I get he's mad that his software got broken in to but I'm the one who got robbed here. I still don't know where those files are, and I know that Raina won't hold on to them.
I dropped down in to my chair and spun around slowly a few times before sighing heavily. I really had no idea what to do with this computer now. Tony would probably be back later since he never listens to me, I'll wait until then.
I ended up not waiting until then. I went through every record of Raina ever being here that I had. Every security camera, background check and every card swipe. She was with me from the beginning, so there was alot to go through.
Security tapes from way back when I opened the company were in storage, but after I got them, I had hours worth of footage to go through. This was going to be a long ass day.
I skipped through them so I could watch more faster. Of course, each one would take days, they were renewed every week. Every 10 seconds it was the same frame, so skipping didn't reveal anything any faster it seemed like.
I was on hour 17 of 168, great progress, a whole 10% done. The first tape. There had to be a better way for me to go about doing this. Could I run facial recognition or something?
There was no way I was going to finish years worth of footage anytime soon, facial recognition could work. Or at least anytime a person shows up on screen. While nobody's working, it's just an empty room.
The only question was, how do I set that up? I mean, I was kind of a genius but technology was not my strongest point. I wasn't as invested in it as Tony is. I would need him to do this.
I forced him to get some sleep, so I don't want to bother him by asking him to come here. That would go against everything we just argued about.
I think about when Tony and I played the whole "we've never met," game. I missed him every day and couldn't wait until I could finally reveal who I really was. I was sad all the time but I feel like now that we're reunited, I'm mad instead.
I loved Tony with all of my heart, he was all had left. I just feel like when we weren't on speaking terms, I had more control. He was in less danger. Well, maybe. He doesn't tell me much.
It hurts me to say it and I will probably regret it later, but Tony just makes me so upset. The secrets, the lies, the irresponsibility. He doesn't care about his well-being and that affects me too.
I guess now isn't really the time to think about this. He likes me enough to help me get those files back and lose sleep for it. I just feel like I don't know who's helping me. Who is Tony Stark?

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