-thirty six-

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  I wish I were writing to you under better circumstances, but I'm afraid I have some urgent news that needs to be addressed immediately.

  We spent all day trying to figure out what happened, but we were robbed. The reason I didn't write to you sooner was because we had I.T. trying to figure out if it was a false alarm or a loading error, but they confirmed that it wasn't.

  A few million dollars were stolen and many prototypes and recipes for new solutions, medicines, machines and your newest plans with Mr. Anthony Stark are all gone.

  We don't know who did this yet, or how, but we assure you that this is our number one priority and we will not rest until we figure out who is behind all of this.

  Write back as soon as possible please.

  I read it about a thousand times before I picked up my phone and dialed Kayla's number. What the hell was this? How could this even happen, I have military grade security.
  "Athena, thank god!"

  "What the hell is going on over there Kayla?"

  "I think it would be safer for you to come here."

  "Already on my way."
  I threw on the outfit that I was going to wear tomorrow and got in my car. I drove like a maniac all the way there and when I got to the headquarters I ran through security and up to the tech floor.
  Kayla and the top tier tech guys were all frantically tapping buttons. It wasn't the money I was mad about. Years of development and ideas were just taken. Years. I walked up behind Kayla and tapped on her shoulder.
  "AH-thena. Oh thank god. Take a look."

  "Move over Clay," he rolled his chair over and I bent over to read the screen.
  18 files were stolen along with $2,500,000. The money was fine, I don't care. They can have it. The files are what hit me the hardest. Years of all nighters and breakthroughs gone down the drain.
  I felt nauseous, like I was going to collapse. Unreleased, untested medicines were in there. They were unstable, most likely dangerous. I don't know what they could do, they could kill for I knew.
  There's a reason they were just prototypes and ideas. Just things I was throwing around, things I would develop later when I had no new ideas. I just had some chemical formulas slapped down, toxic ones that I could make work.
  What would happen if they got released to the public? Oh my god, it's horrifying to even think about. Which ones were even stolen? Some were worse than others. Much worse.
  I scanned the names of files that weren't accounted for. 10 of them were just ideas for machines or emails which weren't important. Those could go. It was the other eight that I was really concerned about.
  I called Tony, maybe he would know what to do. He was really good with that kind of stuff.

  "Athena? You know what time it is?"

  "3:27am. I need some serious help."

  "Okay? What is it?"

  "18 files were stolen off my computer. Ten are just junk ideas but eight of them can't be released to the public Tony."

  "What are they?"

  "Drugs. The ten are just some machine ideas, the other eight are drugs. Ones I haven't tested yet."

  "Shit, what do you think they'll do?"

  "Bad things."
  Make sure to check out my new story, "Agent Alvar: The Real Leader." ❤️❤️🙏

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