-sixty four-

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   There was no answer so I just went ahead and opened the door. He was sleeping. Vitals looked good, he was okay. At least he woke up once and was fine. He knew where he was and he knew who I was. His brain wasn't messed up in any way that I couldn't see from a CT.
  I turned around to walk out the door. I'd come back later. He needed to sleep so his body could heal. It made my life easier. I didn't have to listen to him yell at me right now and I wouldn't have to fix anything when he got to stressed.
  "Athena, wait," I turned back around.
  "Hi Anthony."
  He stared at me blankly for a second before opening his mouth to speak, but no words came out. His face was blank, like he didn't know what to think.
  "Where am I right now?"
  "My hospital."
  "Okay," he thought for a moment, "Because of the mission?"
  "What happened to me?"
  "You were unconscious when you were airlifted here. You had blood in your abdomen so I fixed it and drained the blood."
  "And everyone else?"
  "Natasha has a broken femur, Banner has a minor TBI, Steve has some head lacs but is fine overall, Clint was conscious and aware when he came in, just cuts and bruises. Oh, and some agents from SHIELD I assume passed out. One had a ruptured aneurysm, another had a brain bleed and the third has a concussion."
"You fixed them all?"
"I did."
"Thank you."
"It's my job, you should rest, I cut your abdomen open a few hours ago."
"We need to talk."
  "We can later. Go to sleep."
  "I just was asleep. If we don't talk now, we won't talk ever."
  "Yes we will. I only found out about you guys because I went to the tower looking for you. We will talk, just not now."
I didn't give him the chance to argue with me because I walked out right after saying that. He needed to rest. We could fight later. We had all the time in the world, which didn't seem like much now that I think about our luck.
The Starks are globally known people. Howard and Maria were incredible. My brother, incredible. Yet, so many people hate them. So many people want Tony dead. So many people try to kill him, threaten him, get a rise out of him. We don't have that much time on this earth, and Starks seem to have less.
  I sat outside of his room for a few hours before going to find Pepper. I probably shouldn't have left her alone in a time like this. When I made it down to the ER, she was sitting in a waiting room chair. She looked exhausted.
  "Hey, Pepper."
  "Oh Athena, hi. How is everyone?"
  "Everyone is stable right now."
  "Have you seen Tony? How is he? Has he woken up yet?"
  "Yes, Tony was awake earlier. I told him to go back to sleep. He's still going to be weak for a few days, but that is completely normal."
  "Thank you."
  "You don't have to thank me."
  "You saved all of these people."
  "That's what I do Pepper. Why don't you head home and get some sleep, you look awful."
  "I feel awful. You'll be okay?"
  "I'll be fine."

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