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december first, two thousand-eleven.

  It was the month of Christmas, cheer was spreading and so was Athena's company. Star Co. was going to Africa and building multiple hospitals and doctors offices there. It was a major project that required alot of planning, and Athena did it alone.
  Yes, Athena didn't have an assistant, she was solo. She showed the world it was possible for a woman to pull off whatever she could dream of if you just put in a little effort. Now it took her years of hard work to get her here, but it certainly paid off.
Athena POV

  I had my own company, I've saved plenty of lives and I'm set for life, what more could I ask for? Tony and I had a conference today, of course, as separate companies but it would be nice to see him actually working. He's been a bit... snippy lately and I can't image why. He runs out of energy faster too. I can't tell what's up with him.
  I chose one of my best work outfits, it was a tight pencil skirt, knee length and a light pink blouse with a black suit jacket over it. This was the outfit I wore when I "first met" Tony in person. I put on some respectable height high heels and some makeup. Nothing too flashy but I wanted to look good. When I finished with the nude lipstick, I stepped out the door.
  I don't like to flaunt my money like Tony does. Yes, I live in a larger house and have an expensive car or two... but I don't brag about it like him. I earned my money, I didn't inherit it.
  I got into my black Audi and made my way to the conference building. It wasn't too far from my place, so I got there in an hour... traffic was insane today. I stepped out of the car and hid my face with my sunglasses as I walked into the building. Here goes nothing.
  My heels clicked on the pristine marble flooring. Down the long hallway is where Tony and I would be having our interview. I wasn't nervous, I just had to be careful with what I said. It would fine, Tony knew how it was too.
  A security guard opened the heavy wood door to a large room with cameras, microphones and a large table with fancy leather chairs. Tony was already sitting there, so when I went to go sit next to him, we smiled and shook hands. So it began.
  "Mister Stark, Miss Star, it's truly a pleasure to have you here with us today."

  "Pleasure to be here," I responded with a smile.

  "Of course," Tony said.

  "Let's get started with some questions shall we?"

  "Sounds good," Tony responded.
  "Has anyone ever told you two that you look alike?"

  "Many times yes, I see it to. It's a pretty funny coincidence if you ask me," I stated.

  "It's almost like you're the same person!" The reported exclaimed.

  "I would love to be Athena, I wish!" Tony laughed, I giggled too.

  "So, Miss Star-"
  "Please, call me Athena."

  "Alright, Athena, how is the Africa project coming along? What can you tell us?"

  "It's almost ready for action actually! I'm so excited about the team I have put together for the few months that it'll be happening."

  "I'm excited to see how it all turns out!"

  "So am I, your story was really interesting Athena." Tony said.

  "Thank you! Australia is my next target area to install the P.D.M.A.E.S. there. Some of the most venomous species live there so it'll be nice."

  "I'm sure it will be, Mr. Stark-"

  "Haha, Tony's fine."

  "Of course, Tony, what can you tell me about Iron Man? Anything new going on at Stark Industries?"
  "Well, Pepper is the CEO and is doing an amazing job, Iron Man? Hasn't been up to much. Nothing really major. I'll let you know when something interesting happens." We all laughed.

  "So, how did you two meet eachother?"

  "I've known about Tony for a while, I admired him. Once I released the P.D.M.A.E.S. and started growing my company... Miss Potts finally set us up an interview," I answered.

  "Amazing. So you didn't know eachother beforehand?"

  "Not personally no," Tony stated.
  The interview continued for about an hour or so before we finally said our goodbyes and headed outside. When I got in my car, my phone buzzed.

  Anthony Stark:
  Nice work in there Tina.

  Athena Star:
  Same to you Mr. Stark.

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