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  "Natasha, how are you darling?"

  "Miss Star, it's a pleasure," she said, completely ignoring Tony. She must be used to it.

  "Same to you miss Romanoff, and please, call me Athena."

  "Only if you call me Natasha."

  "I think I can do that," we both laughed.

  "Glad you two are getting along. Natasha Athena here is our newest member."

  "Really? Can you fight?"

  "I know a few things," that was true, I did.

  "Nice, good to have you. The others are in here, follow me."
  Tony and I walked into the next room over where a bunch of men were sitting around on different chairs and couches. I assume this was the lounge area. When I walked in their jaws dropped a bit.
  "Miss Athena Star! Oh my god, Steve Rogers. I'm a huge fan of your work."

  "Thank you Steve, please, call me Athena. Miss Star makes me sound old."

  "May I ask why she's here Tony?"

  "Athena's joining the Avengers," Tony smiled.

  "You're shitting me?!" Steve yelled.

  "Language Cap," another man said. "Clint Barton, a pleasure Athena."

  "Pleasure's mine."

  "So, why the Avengers?"
  I glanced at Tony to see if I could tell them the truth. He understood and he gave me a slight nod, he trusted these people, that means I could too.
  "To make sure my brother stays out of trouble, without me at least."

  "Your brother? Who?" Who assume was Bruce said.

  "Me," Tony said.

  "Wait what?" Clint said.

  "I can see the resemblance! It makes sense, Athena and Anthony, Star and Stark!"

  "That's top secret, don't tell anyone or it'll ruin her company."

  "Yeah don't worry. That's really cool though."

  "Thank you," Tony and I said.

  "So are you guys twins or something?"

  "Exactly that," Tony said

  "Nice, well we've got a mission right now, Athena here can tag along if she wants?" Natasha chimed in
  "Let's go," I said.
  Natasha gave me one of her extra suits so I fit in and actually be able to move if I was called on. I would be sitting in the car, observing and learning. I wasn't ready to go into battle right away, I had no idea what I would even be doing.
  We took two separate cars just incase something went wrong. I was in the car with Tony, Natasha and Steve. In the other car, Thor, Clint and Bruce. It wasn't too far, we were there within half an hour. It was go time.
  We pulled up to our stop and everyone but me jumped out of the car. I had a mic on so I could hear everything that was going on. This was absolutely insane, was I even cut out for this?
  Tony rammed the door down and the second that it was, Natasha sprinted in with a gun in hand. Steve followed behind infront of Clint, Bruce and Thor, Tony going in last. I really hope he'll be careful. I reminded him a million times but he never listens.
  I trust him and the others, but I have a pit in my stomach. I shouldn't be nervous, they caught A GOD before. This was just something on the side I guess.

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