-sixty one-

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Everything was normal. His echo, CT, X-ray and ECG. Everything was fine. So why wasn't he waking up? This was just like when I couldn't figure out why he wouldn't wake up last time... why was the reason again?
  I gave him some zolpidem to try and wake him up, so hopefully that would work. In the mean time I cleaned his wounds with hydrogen peroxide and stitched them up myself. Since there was time, I sent him for an abdominal CT just in case there was internal bleeding or injuries.
Everyone else was awake and talking except for Tony. Natasha had a concussion and a broken femur. It was not too severe, it would take about 5 months to heal though, I'm not sure she would be able to sit for that long. She wouldn't be able to walk for the first few and she wouldn't be able to train or work any cases for the full 5.
Bruce was still nauseous but he was awake, so that was good. If he passed out again it could be something bigger. Clint got stitched up and the other agents were allowed to leave whenever they wanted.
Tony's abdominal CT revealed some free fluid in his abdomen, so he would need surgery to get it removed. I would bring him up as soon as the OR was ready. I can't believe I didn't lose anyone today, Clint made it sound way worse on the phone.
  The OR was ready about half an hour later so I brought Tony up there and scrubbed in. This wasn't too difficult. Just some blood I had to drain and place a few sutures. Should be no complications, it'll be smooth, easy, refreshing. I haven't done surgery in a long time, this was needed.
"Ten blade."
Smooth incision. This was just an exploratory laparotomy. Any tears or leaks I would suture or cauterize. There were a few leaks in small blood vessels which were causing the bleeding, so I took care of those right after I got rid of the free flowing blood.
  BP was stable and it was time to close. It was a large incision, it had to be. There were no more bleeders and everything looked good. The high of surgery was starting to wear off. Even such a small surgery made all the difference, I felt like a resident again.
  I had three staples left when the OR phone rang. A nurse answered it and called my name.
  "What is it?"
  "They need you down in the ER."
  "I'm busy?"
  "It's an emergency. A few agents collapsed as they were leaving."
  "Son of a... tell them I'm on my way."
  I quickly put in the last three staples and scrubbed out. What do they mean they collapsed? Who called? Who collapsed? Are they bleeding? Are there any visible injuries? None of them appeared to need a CT so I never ordered any, was this my fault?
  "What do we got?" I yelled as I got gloves on.
  "3 middle aged men who collapsed in the ER. They've been admitted but are stable right now."

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