-twenty three-

817 20 0

  It felt like I was floating. Colours danced before my eyes and the craziest things flew around through space. I've never experienced anything like it before, it was crazy.
  I never wanted to wake up, everything was so interesting and crazy. It was much more fun than the sick world we live in. I heard my name being called, which meant I had to go, but I never wanted to leave.
  I looked around me, this looked like it was real, something new for a change. I was so dizzy and and the couch I was on felt like a cloud. I scanned the room but it wouldn't stop spinning.
  A hand landed on my head, my god my head hurt.

  "Athena?" Tony?

  "Is she awake?"
  My eyes fluttered and I tried waking up but I just couldn't. Voices flooded my ears and the peaceful silence was no more. I couldn't make out any words but I knew people were talking.
  It seemed like ages until I could finally open my eyes. The bright light blinded me but after blinking a few times, it wasn't so bad. I sat up and saw everyone staring at me in disbelief, this is going to be an interesting story.
  "Oh my god you're awake!" Tony ran over and pulled me into a bear hug, my shoulder really hurt.

  "How long have I been out?" Everyone looked at eachother.

  "Um... eight days." Tony muttered.

  "Eight days? What the hell happened?"

  "Well we were looking for the last vial of the medicines that were stolen, remember that?"

  "Yeah, anyway continue."

  "Well you were bringing me the fourth vial, and the man came up behind us and injected you with the street drugs."

  "That's explains it," I mumbled.

  "Explains what?"

  "The crazy colours, the flying animals, the floating and spinning. I was just really high."

  "We got another medical opinion, you were dead for a few minutes Athena."


  "Yeah, I've never seen Tony look so upset." Natasha chimed in.

  "Aww," I teased.

  "Hey, my little sister was dead!"

  "I guess, yeah."

  "The dosage should have killed you Athena, for good. Why didn't it?" Tony questioned.

  "If only I knew Tony," I wish I did. "How much was injected?"

  "A syringe full, enough to kill anyone on the spot."

  "Really, fascinating. I'll see what I can find out."

  "No, you need to rest."

  "I just rested for eight days, I'm good."


  "My god Tony, fine. But tomorrow I'm working, whether you like it or not."

  "That's all I needed to hear," he smirked.

  "I really need to change and shower though first, gross."

  "Yeah, nasty," Tony added and we both laughed.
  I made it to the bathroom and stripped off the suit. My shoulder had a huge red, swollen and bruised mark on it. That didn't look too good. I didn't acknowledge it further and let it go.
  A shower never felt so good. The warm water ran down my body but burned when it hit my shoulder. I should probably tell someone about that, if it doesn't get better, I swear I will.

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