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"And that is?"

"Well first, you aren't paying Raina anything. Second, what if Raina wasn't around to post anything or take any money?"

"You aren't thinking-?"

"Oh but you know I am."

"We aren't shipping her off to some other country!"

"Okay so you had no idea what I was thinking."


"Yeah. Anthony, I'm willing to kill Raina."



"I'm not going to let you kill someone. Nat or someone can do it."

"What? No!"

"You aren't killing her."

"You aren't in charge of me. I'll kill her if I want to."

"You can't just go running around killing people."

"Not people. Person."

"It's against the law Ti."

"So why do you do it?"

"I've never killed anyone before."

"Don't lie to me. I get you don't want me getting into any trouble but I already am. You guys have full government protection. Technically, I am an Avenger. That means I have the same protection you do."

"It's not as easy as you think."

"I'll get over it. I'm not a baby like you."

"Athena! NO!"

"Don't yell at me."

"If you can't handle someone yelling at you, you will not be able to handle the guilt."

"You have no reason to yell at me. I however, have a valid reason to kill her."

"No reason is valid enough."

"Fine. Wait! What if we get her to kill herself?"

"How would that even work?"

"Give me some time. I'll be back tomorrow."
I left Tony's and made my way home for the night. How could I make Raina kill herself? I could poison her or something but that would mean I'd have to actually plan a meet up with her. That's the last thing I want to do.
If I can do it without having to talk to her or make eye contact for too long, that would be ideal. I could always hire someone else to do it, but where's the fun in that? That's not as rewarding.
Maybe I could learn how to be a sniper. That way it's totally painless, well, for me at least. Who could teach me how to use a sniper rifle? I mean, it's just a gun, it can't be that hard to shoot.
Natasha could teach me! She's good with all kinds of guns! She would totally help me, she's the best. I could also go hit up James Barnes if she refuses. I don't think she will though. And James is scary.

"Hey Athena, what's up?"

"You still know how to use snipers?"

"Somewhat. Why?"

"Would you teach me?"

"That may be a slight problem. I'm not good enough to teach someone else. Why? What do you need to snipe someone for?"

"Classified for the time being."

"I guess. I can't teach you, but I think I know someone who can."

"Please tell me it's not James, I'm scared to death of him."

"Rhodey? Why would he know how to snipe?"

"No, Barnes. And Rhodes is a colonel."

"True, and no, not Bucky. He's a bit intense, but I don't think he would hurt you."

"Think. Well, who is it then?"

"My sister, Nikita Romanova."

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