-thirty two-

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I heard ringing. I turned over and grabbed my phone which was plugged in on my nightstand. Three missed calls from Pepper. I quickly dialed her number and waited for her to pick up. She never called, always texted, something might be wrong.
"Athena, thank god! Something's wrong with Tony, get over here!"

"What? I'm on my way!"
She hung up and I rushed around my house, grabbing a sweater to throw over my pyjamas. Thank god, it was the one night that I slept in regular clothes, leggings and a tee shirt.
I ran down to my car in the garage and drove to the tower. I was going 20 over the limit but I needed to get there as soon as possible. What could possibly be wrong?
I skidded into a parking spot in the garage and ran inside, right past reception. Jarvis told me where they were so I ran to the Avengers floor and found them in the main living room.
Pepper saw me and waved me over. They were all surrounding Tony who was passed out on the ground. His shirt was soaked with blood and his breathing was unsteady and shallow. Bruce was trying to figure out what was going on but he seemed to not know.
Natasha and Steve moved over so I could get closer to him. I ripped his shirt open with one motion and looked at his stitches. All still in, just bloody.
"When did you find him?"

"Around 7:30 this morning. I called you right away," Pepper said.

"Anyone see him before then?"

"Uh, he was making some toast around 6:30, I was going for a run," Steve said.

"Okay, anyone hear anything? Like a crash or maybe him dropping something?"

"I don't think so," Natasha said.

"Okay, can someone get me a wet and dry cloth please?"

Natasha stood up and ran to the kitchen to get those.

"Bruce, do you have any disinfectants? Alcohol? Hydrogen peroxide?"

"I have some in the lab, be right back," he got up and went to the elevator.

"Great, Bruce?" I called.


"Can you grab a stethoscope too please?"

"Sure," he stepped in the elevator and headed downstairs.
Natasha came back with the cloths, one wet and one dry. I cleaned off all the blood with the wet one to see what actually happened underneath of it. Everything seemed normal, all the stitches were in place and none were torn.
I don't get it, what could've done that? Bruce came back with the disinfectant and stethoscope and handed them to me. I poured the hydrogen peroxide on to his chest and it bubbled up just a bit.
I wiped it off with the dry cloth while Bruce got some distilled water. He still wasn't waking up though. I did the surgery right, if I hadn't, we would've known the second he was in the recovery room.
I was stumped. I poured some of the water on the stitches when I noticed something. They weren't torn, no, they were strained. When I got really close and looked, I could see the opening of his wound.
It was microscopic, but large enough for some sort of bacteria to get in there and do something. He must've tried lifting something to cause them to stretch. It hadn't healed because he didn't listen to me.
I had to replace these stitches and and find out if he had a bacterial infection now. Steve helped carry him down to the lab and placed him on a table. Bruce got me everything I needed. Here we go again.

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