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  We landed where Tony kept his jet and his driver was already there waiting for us. We got in the car and the driver had a look of shock on his face, not surprising. Paparazzi crowded around the car as the driver attempted to back out, this was going to be a while.
  After honking the horn for 5 minutes, these people weren't moving. Even though I was hurt, I wasn't getting any better sitting here. I opened up the door and decided to tell these people off.
  "I get you all want pictures or whatever, but move out of the way!"

  "Miss Star!" "Are you and Tony Stark together?!" "Miss Star!"

  "Shut up and let us drive dammit! I'm hurt and need to get to the tower!"

  "Miss Star!"
  "MOVE IT!" I finally screamed, these people were really getting on my nerves.
  I was usually a calm person, the world knew me as that. I finally snapped when these people wouldn't move. The second I yelled, the all moved. I guess I could be scary if I wanted to.

  "Thank you," I smiled and got back into the car.
  "Damn Tina, who knew you had it in you?" Tony laughed.

  "I certainly didn't, now, if you don't mind could we please go before they swarm again?"
  "As you wish," the driver said.
  We finally made it to the tower which meant I had to walk again. It was easier getting out of the car than of the ground and while we were on the plane, Tony cleaned up my major cuts and stuff.
  The tower still blew me away after all these times seeing it. I had my own work building but it was about half the size of Stark Tower. We walked in, well, I stumbled in and we made our way to the medical floor.
  I was in there for about an hour before I was all fixed up. I had major burns and deep cuts but nothing was broken or too infected. I would be fine, just needed to take a day or two. Tony sat in the waiting room for me and when I came out he stood up and smiled.
  "What now Athena?"
  "I'm going home, taking a day and then back to work. You gonna be okay?"

  "Tin, you aren't going anywhere."

  "I'm not a kid Tony, I'm fine on my own."
  "Obviously you aren't. Someone out there wants you dead, I can't let you stay alone."

  "Mind your own business Tony. I appreciate you coming to help me but now that I'm okay things are back to normal."

  "What's normal Athena? What's normal?"
  "Business partners, nothing more. People will get suspicious if you stay too close."

  "People already are suspicious, I think it's time."

  "No Tony. It's not."

  "Why? Give me one good reason."

  "You're...you, Tony. I'm a business woman. That's just how it has to be."

  "Who says it has to be that way?"

  "You know it does. Both of our businesses will collapse. Especially mine."

  "Who cares Athena? You can join me here at Stark Industries."

  "And give up my dream? I don't think so Anthony."

  "Stop- stop calling me that. Why don't you care about your safety?"

  "Because I care about yours!" I snapped at him.

  "Athena Ellanoire I swear to god! Don't pull that on me!"

  "Pull what Anthony?"

  "The whole you're more important to the family than I am bullshit. Mom told me to always protect you!"

  "You and I both know she didn't."

  "But she did Tina."

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