-fifty nine-

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  "It's Tony isn't it?"
  "Yeah, they all got really hurt. Only Clint and a few other SHIELD agents are conscious. They're air lifting them here now."
  "Oh my god. They're all alive though?"
  "Barely. You up for it?"
  "For this?"
  "They deserve the best doctor they can get. Last time I checked, you were the best and... I've got you right here. So, are you up for this?"
  "If you need me to be."
  "Let's go."
  We ran to the elevator when I realized something. This was not a real hospital. This was a lab with some equipment. We had to get them to somewhere else, but where?
  "Pepper, there's a slight issue about this plan of ours."
  "We shouldn't bring them here. This isn't a hospital, it's a lab."
  "Well what hospital would take this many wounded celebrities?"
  "Mine would."
  She stared at me blankly for a second before registering what I just said. I have a hospital. I have the right equipment. I have operating rooms and medicine. Anything they'll need, I'll have.
  "Jarvis, call Clint Barton."
  "Calling Mr. Barton."
  "Pepper, what is it?" Clint shouted into the phone. "It's really loud on this helicopter."
  "DO NOT bring them to the tower! Bring them to STAR MEDICAL FACILITY. Do you understand?"
  "Isn't that Athena's pla-"
  "Yes! Okay, Star Medical Facility."
  "Jarvis, end call."
  "Call ended Miss Potts."
She grabbed the first pair of car keys she saw and when we got to the garage, it was his red Audi. Not too bad. We jumped in and she drove like a madman to my place. The adrenaline was coursing through our veins, this was happening.
  "Don't you have other patients at this hospital? Will you have room for everyone?"
  "It's a private hospital. Only cases I hand pick are admitted. Right now we have plenty of rooms and equipment. They'll be in good hands."
  "Are the other doctors as good as you?"
  "I'll be helping everyone, my doctors will be assisting. They're very good but I'll do all of the big things."
  "Okay," Pepper sighed.
  "Tony wouldn't let me work with Nikita Romanova when it really was none of his concern. He tries to babysit me and my opinion doesn't matter to him. I couldn't take it anymore."
  "So you just ended it?"
  "Yeah. Things were good before I called Tony that day in Africa. I thought things would go back to that, yet here I am. Sad and trying to get him back."
  "Are you sure you want him back though?"
  "He's the only family I have left. I only made friends because he introduced me. He was my whole childhood, it's right for him to be in my adult life."
  "I understand. He really is great Athena. He just... has some issues."
  "Oh, I'm aware, pull into this lot."
We parked the car and ran upstairs to the helipad. I had my doctors prepping patient rooms, the ER and all of the ORs. Everything has to be perfect for when they came, which could be any minute.
  We had everything ready to transport them, gurneys and employees, medicine, oxygen tanks and IV lines and crash carts. We were ready. I got Pepper and I some scrubs too. They'd be here any second. My heart pounded through my chest. This was a big trauma, I can't remember the last time I did something like this.
  I looked up and my hair started to blow all over the place. Pepper yelled something at me but I couldn't hear her. Whatever she said didn't matter right now, it was time.

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