-fifty two-

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  "You punched her?" Voices were fuzzy.
  "Well, kind of."
  "You told me not to come back without her and she wasn't coming."
  Where was I? Was I dreaming?
  "That doesn't mean knock her out!"
  "How am I the bad guy here?"
  "You punched my sister!"
  Tony? No, I don't see Tony anymore.
  "I did the impossible. I got her here."
  "You could have killed her!"
  "I've killed a lot of people, that would not have killed her."
"That's not the point."
"I don't see the point."
What the hell is going on? Why does my head hurt?
"How long ago did you....?"
"Knock her out? An hour tops."
"How hard did you hit her?"
"Honestly, pretty hard, I didn't know if she was going to get knocked out on the first hit and I didn't want her to fight back... so yeah, hard."
The lights stung when I finally got my eyelids to budge. The room was spinning and people were staring down at me.
I couldn't make out who the faces belonged to at first. I had to stare at them for a good few seconds.
"She has amnesia!"
"She does not," the red-haired one scoffed.
"She would be running if she recognized who was hovering over her!"
"She would not."
Red hair. Red hair. Who do I know has red hair? My family has brown hair. Family. Family. Tony? No! It isn't Tony, shut up brain.
"Why isn't she saying anything?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I'm not a doctor."
I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor. Actually, I think I'm an entrepreneur. Scratch that, I'm a blogger. Wait no, that's not right.
"Is she dead?"
"No, she's not dead you idiot."
"How are you sure?"
"I don't know, maybe because she's breathing?"
It feels like I'm floating, not breathing.
Hmm, maybe they're not talking to me. My name's Tina.
"Stop screaming at her you idiot."
"I'm your boss."
"Fury's my boss, nice try though."
Fury. Angry. I'm angry. Why?
"You killed her, you killed my twin sister. My baby sister, my ONLY sister."
"She isn't dead you idiot."
"Call me an idiot one more time."
"I did what you told me to do, boss."
"Haha, funny."
Where am I? OW, moving my head hurts. Do not try that again brain. Do you hear me?
"Did she just move?"
"Probably, I didn't paralyze her."
"Might have."
"I didn't snap her neck. She just has a concussion."
A concussion. Bed rest, fluids, ibuprofen or mild pain killers, ice. Should be healed in 7-10 days.
"A concussion?"
"Dear god!"
"Concussions aren't even a big deal."
"She could die!"
"I didn't hit her that hard! My fist isn't a car."
"Go get her ice."
"She won't be able to do anything about the pain until she snaps out of it," the redhead snapped in front of my face.
I moved my eyes quickly around the room. Now I was starting to panic. What was wrong with me?
"She's panicking!"
"She's fine."
"She's panicking!"
"She's FINE."
I'm panicking. The short guy was right. Who was he? Where am I? What's wrong with me?
I tried to move my arm again but the pain was unbearable, I tried to scream but nothing came out. The only thing that came was the familiar darkness I just awoke from.

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