-fifty one-

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Kayla paged and said the visitor was on her way. I wasn't expecting anyone so yeah, I was a bit confused. About three minutes later that was a knock on my door.
"Come in," I called.
The door opened and I leaned back in my chair. Well I'll be damned, what was she doing here? Her Scarlett hair flowed down her shoulders and her emerald eyes shone in the lights. Nikita Romanova. Now I know I said I didn't want to ever see anyone associated with Tony again, I was pleased to see her.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"How stupid are you?"
"How dare you just cut everyone out of your life like that? We all care for you and you shut us out! I can't believe you just-"
"No! You don't get to-"
"I didn't want to. I wanted to stay friends with everyone. You didn't deserve this but when I look at you, I see Tony. That's all I see. It hurts. It hurts Nikita. I don't expect you to understand but there is no way I can see any of you anymore."
"I don't understand and I don't want to. What you don't get is that we care about you. You don't have to see Tony but we didn't do anything to you."
"Why are you here?"
"To change your mind."
"Yes. I drew the short straw, you think I want to see you?"
"Then leave."
"I can't."
"Yes, you can."
"Nobody's stopping you. I can get my guards to throw you out if you'd prefer."
"Stop! Just stop! Get over yourself!"
"Get over myself... you don't get it. I can't just take back my decision. I can't."
"You're choosing not to."
"I can't. Listen to me Nikita. I feel sick looking at you. I have a job that I love and need to focus on, I have lives to save and I can't worry about mine!"
  "You're going to kill yourself if you think like that."
  "I think you should go."
  "I'm not leaving without you."
  "Then get comfortable."
  "Just get in the car, Athena. They all want to see you."
  "I don't want to see them."
  "I know you do. You can't be okay, you can't just chop out your family and be fine."
  "Tony's hardly my family."
  "Yes, hardly."
  "I don't usually do things like this. Someone leaves and I let them. I'm not the person who cares, but I came here for you. I'm not leaving until you're coming with me."
  "Nikita, I appreciate you coming here, but I don't plan on leaving until my shift is over at 5. Actually, maybe I'll work some overtime tonight... probably until 7."
"I'll wait here then."
"I don't think visitors would get my work done any faster."
"I don't really care. You won't know that I'm here."
She said I wouldn't know she was here but she literally did not shut up the entire time.
It was horrible. She wasn't talking about bringing me back, no, it was about what every person was doing every second of the day.
7:00 came around and there wasn't much else I could do to stall. I packed up my bag and walked around my desk to the door.
She stood up from the couch and looked at me with sad eyes, what was she up to?
"Sorry about this," she said"
And everything went black.
Hey everyone!

Thank you for sticking with me through exam season, which actually went pretty well. I'm sorry for the lack of updates in a while, but I'm back!

I just entered this story in the 2019 Wattys! This couldn't have been possible without every vote, read and comment from you. Each and every one of you made this possible. This means so much to me and I appreciate it so much! This story would not have even been eligible if it wasn't for you! Even if I don't win, it was an honour to be even eligible!

Thank you very much❤️

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