-thirty one-

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Tony survived his week living in the hospital and I gave him permission to return home, but not to work. He could move and walk, but no workshop and no lab. And that my friends, was an order.
I told Jarvis to not let him do anything and like I said before, I had the same authority as Tony when it came to Jarvis. Bruce promised to keep an eye on him and let me know if anything changes. I wasn't too worried once I heard that.
Next stop was Pepper. I walked to where her office was in the tower and knocked. A faint "come in" was called so I opened the huge doors. She turned her chair towards me and smiled.
"Hey Athena, what's up?"

"Hi Pepper. I just came to drop Tony off from the hospital but I need to ask you another favour."

"Of course, thank you for helping him by the way."

"Anything for my big brother. I need to make sure he takes the medicine I gave him and make sure he stays out of the lab and out of the workshop. I asked Jarvis to make sure, but there's only so much an AI can do."

"Trust me, he won't be doing anything you wouldn't want him to do."

"Thank you so much. If you ever need anything, let me know."

"Thank you," she was so nice.

"Have a good day," I said, walking towards the door.

"You as well."
I checked in on Tony one last time before I left and he was all situated in his bed. I can tell he really didn't sleep alot, the amount of coffee in his house was insane. Anyway, he would finally catch up on some rest.
I could finally breathe again. I was so nervous leading up to this moment and I finally felt better. I was nauseous these past two weeks but I felt good. I did something good.
Something felt a bit off though, I was really worried that he wouldn't listen to my precautions and do something stupid. Like, really stupid. Something that would rip the stitches open or over exert his heart.
He wanted to live just as much as I wanted him to, and I was confident that he would listen to me. I just hoped that he would get his head out of his ass and realize what's happening, you know?
I got home and got ready for bed, I was exhausted and really needed to catch up on some sleep. The past two weeks have been crazy hectic and I've slept like two minutes a night.
I sat down in my bed and just thought about everything. I kind of had a bad feeling about taking the arc reactor out, but you never know. Tony was a smart guy, he'd figure it out. I just had to make sure he didn't kill anyone while doing it.
I trusted Pepper, Bruce and Friday, they wouldn't let him do anything stupid. Right? He couldn't bribe them, especially Pepper. She was perfect for Tony, he needed someone to keep him in line. With that in my head, I fell asleep.

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