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  My options weighed me down and I really needed to decide. I spent this past week just thinking instead of actually being productive and getting work done. I had so much paperwork to do and it was really getting to me.
  Usually I could handle stress really well, but for some reason... I couldn't this time. Every little thing bothered me. Every time someone asked a dumb question, every time some paperwork was filed wrong, every little thing.
  I got home from an endless day of work and threw my bag down in my room. Tony had been texting me all week asking when I'd be back. If I'm being totally honest, I really didn't know. I wanted to go back but just to hang out, I don't know if I actually wanted to be part of the Avengers anymore.
  I told Tony I would, but if I did... my work would be affected. I cared about Star Co. more than almost anything. The only thing I cared about more was Tony, and I didn't want to let him down. Maybe he could help me.
  Athena Star:
  Hey Tony, I need your honest opinion. Pretend you aren't Iron Man for a second.

  Anthony Stark:
  What's up T?

  Athena Star:
  I don't think joining the Avengers is my best option. What do you think I should do?

  Anthony Stark:
  Tell me why first

  Athena Star:
  My business is the second most important thing in my life, the Avengers thing could get in the way.

  Anthony Stark:
  Am I the most important? ;)

  Athena Star:
  Focus Tony!

  Anthony Star:
  My bad, as your brother I think you should do it

  Athena Star:
  Do what? Be specific dumbass.

  Anthony Stark:
  Holy crap, I think you should join the Avengers. So many people would kill to be in your shoes. Like... Millions

  Athena Star:
  I know. I just want to keep my business still.

  Anthony Stark:
  I have an idea, you might not like it but hear me out

  Athena Star:
  Okay, shoot.

  Anthony Stark:
  What if you got someone else to run the company for you? I made Pepper CEO so I had more time on my hands, that's an option too

  Athena Star:
  That's not a terrible idea. I could still work for the company but not work all the time.

  Anthony Stark:

  Athena Star:
  Thanks Ton.

  Anthony Stark:
  That looks weird when you type it out

  Athena Star:
  I know it sounds so much better.

  Anthony Stark:
  Alright, see you later Tina

  Athena Star:
  See you later Tony.
  I think I knew what I was going to do. I still wanted to be CEO, but I could hire someone to help me get my work done. It wasn't hard, just paperwork really. I could train them really quickly, shouldn't take too long, and send them off into the world of Star Co.
  I started thinking about who I could hire. Someone already in the company or a total stranger? I think one of my best workers, Kayla, would be fit for the position. She's been asking for more hours to pay off her house.
  I called Kayla later that day and asked her to come in to my office. She looked nervous but little did she know, she had no reason to be. I explained everything to her, well, not the Tony being my twin part but everything else and she accepted instantly. She wouldn't have to work as much because she was being given a promotion.
  This was finally working out in my favour.

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