-twenty six-

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  It's been almost a month since Tony started taking the penicillamine and it's actually been working. I was pretty sure it would but there's always that little part that disagrees.
  I was going to the tower in a few minutes to check up on everyone. I usually went there about four times a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. It depended on how much work I had.
   I was in and out of the hospital, taking some of the major injuries and sicknesses. I was also looking for something else for Tony. I've had three people come in with heavy metal poisoning and they've all been cured by  EDTA which wasn't primarily used for palladium, nobody ever got palladium poisoning.
  I had one more idea that I think could work better than the penicillamine. It was working but Tony had it really really badly, this wasn't your average heavy metal poisoning case.
  Lithium dioxide wouldn't cure it but it would take the edge off. If I gave him an injection it would make taking the penicillamine easier and make his life in general easier.
  I finished my shift at my hospital and headed over to my lab. My staff were all working hard on my newest project, but you'll hear about it later.
  I looked through every cabinet but I had no lithium dioxide on hand. How is that even possible? I could always make some I guess. The chemical formula was LiO2, it wasn't too complex.
  I had pure lithium metal and oxygen downstairs so I brought them up and fused them. After a bit of work, I had the lithium dioxide that I was after, grabbed a syringe and then made my way to Tony's tower.
  "Tony?" I walked into his personal floor but there was no answer. "T?"

  "Gimme a sec," a voice called back. A crash followed.

  "God dammit Tony," I mumbled under my breath. I ran into his workshop. "What the hell happened?"

  He was laying on the floor and the Arc Reactor was on the ground and the palladium breif case was spilled all over the ground.

  "Get the *cough* pallad- *wheeze* -ium"

  "Jesus Tony," I grabbed the palladium and replaced the smoking piece with a fresh one and put the Reactor back into his chest. I hated every second of it. He coughed a few times and then sat up.

  "Thanks," he sounded exhausted.

  "You need to get that thing out of you Anthony."

  "No I don't Tina, back off."

  "You didn't have it in you for 30 seconds and you almost died, why don't you want it out?"

  "Because it'll take a long ass surgery and I'll probably not make it out alive anyway."

  "No you won't Anthony, surgeons know what they're doing. They went to school just like I did."

  "One flinch and I'm dead. It's my heart T, not a leg or something."

  "And they've practiced on hearts."

  "Guaranteed nothing like my situation though."

  "Open heart surgery is performed by heart surgeons you know. It's their specialty."

  "The answer is absolutely no."

  "You're the biggest idiot I've ever met."
  Hey guys! Little self-promo here but I just released a new story called "Romanova." It focuses on Natasha and her life, so if you're interested... Check it out!

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