-forty two-

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I slammed the file I brought to him on his desk and stomped out. I'm so done with his attitude. I'm just trying to help him. I slammed my car door and sped home. I was done with this.
I get he doesn't want me in his personal business, but I don't think he understands how bad his health is getting. Yeah, the Arc Reactor was step one, but that wasn't enough.
I threw my shoes off and one into my wall. Whoops. The heel stuck out of the wall and I just stared at it. I didn't feel like dealing with a repair person. I'd fix it myself, later.
I slammed my bedroom door and threw my brief case on the floor. I was mad. And when I got mad, things didn't end well. Flashbacks from when I finally snapped at the press came back to me. That was a bad day.
I don't get mad often. I get annoyed often, I run a company, but never mad. Now though, I think this was as mad as I've ever been. I didn't really know what to do with myself. I've never reached this level of anger.
I think all of the stressful events and everything built up and it's all coming out now. Siblings fight, and I shouldn't be this mad... but I am. It's just everything.
Tony, my company getting robbed, the Avengers, the secret, everything. All of this was to much for my brain and I think it's finally had enough of this garbage.
I threw a few other things and finally started to calm down. Phew, I was starting to scare myself with how angry I was. I threw my phone during my rage but it wasn't broken.
I had a text from Tony and I almost threw everything around again. It wasn't an apology or something. No, he decides to be an idiot again.
"You left your file on my desk."
Is he freaking kidding me? That wasn't even mine! He brought it to my place to hack into some computers for the whole Raina situation. I'm going to slap him. For real.
I was going 40 over the limit and almost hit a few things but I got there in a matter of minutes. I flew through the front doors and up to his office. He was about to go through hell.
I think he heard me punch the elevator or something because he was waiting for me when the door opened. I took one look at him before slapping him right across the face.
"What the hell was that for?"

"Are you that thick headed?!"

"About what?" He rubbed the hand print that was spreading across his cheek.

"You know damn well that that file is yours. You just wanted me to come back here."


"Then I'm leaving."



"Jarvis, don't let her leave."

"I won't sir," said Jarvis.

"Jarvis, you let me do whatever the hell I want."

"Of course Miss Stark."

"I forgot about that," he mumbled.

"Whatever you want Tony, tell me before I leave."


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