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Lauren's POV;

"Them goddamn saviours. They shot down our Camp in Atlanta, you've got to be fucking kidding me." Clark announced, the leader of our group, the Survivors.

"How many casualties?" I asked, sitting upright, loading my gun.

"At least 100 we think, remember the camp was over crowded too." Clark spoke.

"What are we going to do about it?" I spoke up, bending over to tie up my laces on my combat boots.

"4 of us are going over to Atlanta to collect any left over supplies, and maybe rescue any survivors." Clark said. "Me, you, Jack and Dixon. We leave tonight."

"It's too dangerous tonight. It's the annual.." Madison spoke up. Madison was the only girl my age here, we were both 16.

That made me think, here's a little about me. I'm a 16 year old, class A bitch, I think that's a way to put it. I stand up for what I believe in, and I'm not afraid to get violent. i have several piercings, a few tattoos, and to be honest, i like eyeliner. A lot. I took up boxing for 5 years, and fought competitively, so self defence isn't my biggest problem. The world is.

About 2 years ago, the government became corrupt, leaving us, in anarchy.

Our group, The Survivors are one of the most feared groups throughout America. But, we weren't the only ones, The God Damn Saviours in Atlanta are fierce competition, we have taken several life's of theirs, and they have taken plenty of our own.

All crime, any crime, whenever, was perfectly legal, and we had no control over our own safety.

We boarded up an old town, and Clark was an ex military officer meaning, we had access to army bases, meaning our camp is one of the most securest, with reinforced metal walls, some of the best weaponry in the states, we were a group to be feared.

Family? You ask. I have no family.

"We need to go! We were going to import people into the Atlanta base. We are going." Clark informs Madison.

"This is crazy." Madison says, sitting down on the bed next to me.

"We'll be back before you know it." I say, loading my guns.

"Yeah, but the saviours are recruiting more people. I've heard they are even taking people against their own will. Please be careful." Madison says, concern in her voice.

"I will be careful. Clark, Dixon and Jack are coming too, they wouldn't let any harm come to me. Now I've got to go." I say, standing up, and brushing my hands down my jeans.

"Lauren!" She says, as I approach the door, I turn around, and she hands me a silver bracelet.

"remember me?" She says.

"I won't need to forget you." I reply, hugging her tightly.

I place the bracelet around my wrist, as I leave the apartment me and Madison shared.


I'm sorry this is so slow and boring, but this chapter is more character building and stuff more than an action packed chapter, that comes soon.

This is so different to anything I've written because it's people that are the threat, but i hope you enjoy it anyway. I'm loving writing it.


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