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"Blake. We got told you were dead." I spat at him.
"Yeah, left for dead." Blake approached us slowly, and the smell of his aftershave sent a chill to my system as I remembered something.
"You bastard." I screamed.
"Lauren, calm down." Chandler softly said, trying to comfort me.
"You tried to rape me. You raped Anna! You sick, twisted fuck!" I screamed, running up to Blake and hitting his chest, but he didn't flinch.
"You..did what!?" Chandler shouted, successfully punching Blake in the face, causing Blake to fall to the floor.

"Woah, Chandler since when did you become so protective of the Survivours skank?" Blake spit out, but that only made Chandler angrier.

Chandler leaped over, and started throwing punches at Blake, but Blake only fought back.

I run over and pulled Chandler off Blake, but the loud slam of the door stopped Blake to retaliate and run towards us.

"Blake?" It was Hunter's voice.

"You bastard, leaving me for dead!" Blake screamed.

"Shut up, or I'll put a bullet through your skull you imbecile." Hunter said, drawing the gun from his holster.
But Blake held his own gun up. It was a stand off.

He held the gun to Blakes forehead squeezing the trigger tightly.

"Now, what the fuck is all this about?" Hunter exclaimed.

"Blake raped Anna. And remember the time he tried to rape me?" I exclaim.

"It was you?" Anna said, approaching from around the door frame.

"No, it was Chandler. We already went over this!" Blake shouted, stomping his feet violently against the floor.

"Lies! You're full of lies!" I scream.

All of a sudden Alexa runs through the door, stampeding towards Blake with a pair of scissors in her hands, Blake still holding the gun in his hands tightly.

Alexa stabs the scissors into Blakes neck, but as a solid reaction, Blake squeezes the trigger.

The bullet shoots out, and pierces through Alexa's hip, as she falls to the ground.

"Alexa!!" I scream, running to her side as she coughs and chokes on her own blood.

Hunter drops his blood in shock, in despair.

Chandler and Anna walk to Alexa's body, Alexa drop downs beside me, whilst Chandler runs his hand along my back.

"No. No. No!" Anna screams.

"Get the doctors. Now!" Hunter screams.

Blake who was coughing up blood, calls for help, desperately seeking medical attention.

So I stood up. Mascara stains down my cheeks, as I pick up the gun that Hunter dropped only moments before and I aim it In between Blakes eyebrows.

"Goodbye you sick son of a bitch." I said, squeezing the trigger, the bullet shooting through his forehead, killing him instantly.

A nurse runs into the room and carried away Alexa on stretcher.

"Is she gonna live?" I ask Chandler.

"I don't know."

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