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Lauren's POV;

I sat down at the dinner table next to Anna and Alexa, it looked like a normal house, modern, large, and it almost looked normal, as if outside hell wasn't raging every day.

"The boss will be here in a moment. You'll make a good impression, I know it." Alexa said, nudging me.

"I hope so, I know about the trades." I told her.


"The night you got me. I was part of a trade wasn't i?" I asked, once I put the pieces of the puzzle together, I knew why Madison said to remember her, why Clarke, Dixon and Jack never came back to help me, why I was 'the youngest girl to go on a mission' like that. That night was the annual trades between groups.

She nodded, and I slowly felt anger brew inside me, but I needed to keep it together, this 'boss' needed to see me.

I felt betrayed and disgusted, that my own group had left me, turned their own backs on me.

A door opened and shut, and footsteps creaked against the floor, and everyone stood up, and I quickly followed.

A man with a scorpion tattoo on his neck, dressed in a neat pressed suit walks in, with a woman linked to his arm. She was blonde and barbie like, and I wondered how she was still alive. They must run the Saviours. I mean, he must, she can't. She'd have a fit if she broke a nail.

"That's Hunter. The boss." Anna says.

"And the woman?"

"Daisy. His mistress type thing, I don't know, but they have sex a lot. If you hear 'em moaning, don't go roaming." Anna explained, and I felt tingles down my spine as I felt instantly uncomfortable.

Across the table, sat Chandler, Blake, and another boy and girl of whom I hadn't met.

"So, we have a new member to the group. This is Lauren." Daisy said, taking a seat at one end of the table, as Hunter sat at the other.

"Hi." I said, placing the napkin on my lap, as soup was served.

"This is Leila and Leo. There a thing." Daisy said, giggling.

"Yes, enough of that Daisy." Hunter said, slurping the soup.

"Oh, erm I'm sorry." She says, lowering her head.

"So, Lauren. Obviously you've met some of the group, and now you've met them all. What do you think?" Hunter asks, looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah, I think you've got a good group here. Strong, may I ask something?" I ask

"Go ahead, of course, you're a new member. Aren't you?"

"That's what I was going to ask. Well, I was actually going to ask two things. Was I traded to you, by my group? and Can I see your military forces possibly?" I asked.

"Yes. You were traded, and unless you join our group, we will trade you again. It's just business. And, of course, after the meal, why do you ask though?"

"I was part of the military in my old group. Well I was in training, and I wanted to see what yours was like."

"I can assure you, Miss..?"

"Just Lauren." I interrupted.

"I can assure you Lauren, if you join us. We can tear apart your old group, the group that betrayed you in the click of a finger."

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