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I woke up to the sound of a car engine, and unfamiliar voices.

The sack was still on my head, so my vision was just black.

"Is this her?" a voice said, along to the gentle tapping of a foot against the bottom of the van.

"Yeah, she's part of the Survivors. But not for much longer." A young girl said, with a southern accent.

"The boss'll like her." a boys voice spoke up. "She's hot too."

"Chandler!" The young girl shouted, her voice becoming a shriek, and in that moment I honestly wanted to shoot her.

I stayed quiet, and just listened into their conversation, trying to figure out who they were.

And then it hit me.

They were the Saviours.

Fear filled me from head to toe, and honest to God, I was fucking shit scared.

The wheels of the van came to a screeching halt, and my body jolted forwards, my face, still in the bag, hit the ground hard.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, as the force from hitting the floor, hurt..a lot.

"She's awake." The man said.

I felt my heart drop, as I had the worst fear that I could, there and then just be killed. They knew I was apart of The Survivors.

"Are you from the Survivors?" He asked.

"Yeah. I've been apart for 2 years." I spoke up.

"Do you know who we are?" He asked again.

"The Saviours." I replied.

"Are you scared?" The girl asked.

"Should I be?"

"It depends." She says.

"Can you defend yourself?" The boy, who I presume is called Chandler, asked.

"I did boxing for 5 years competitively, you tell me."

I heard a few murmurs and whispers.

"Can you shoot a gun?" He asked.

"Yeah. Who can't?"

Chandler chuckled slightly.

"Can I get this bag of my head, it's hurting my lip piercing..just saying." I said, and Chandler immediately spoke up.

"Sounds like my kind of girl." He said.


The van came to a halt, as I heard steel gates open, and the van started moving again.

I was there, in the base of the saviours. Holy shit.

I panicked, and flustered, my breathing was becoming obscene and odd, and I was struggling to pick my breathing back up.

I heard the girl say to Chandler that this isn't good, and I needed to breathe.

I take back at what I said about shooting her, she seems alright.

Before I knew it, the sack was removed from my head, and the light burned my eyes, florescent coloured dots appeared which honest to god made my eyes sting like hell.

I looked around, my vision was partially blurry, and I noticed a man, a young girl, and the boy who was obviously Chandler.

"She is hot. Dibs against Blake. Remember that." He said, nudging the girl who looked disgusted somewhat.

"Did you just dibs me?" I laughed, scoffing at his remark.

"Yeah, got a problem with that." He said, crouching down to my level, and his bright blue eyes looked into mine.

"i like your eyeliner." The girl said, I looked over to her, she had virtually no piercings, or tattoos, just black hair.

Chandler, on the other hand, well where do I begin?

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