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As I walked down the stairs, trying to find the jeep Clark would be waiting in, the words Madison said filled my head.

"they take people in against their own will" "they're dangerous"

So, I'm guessing that kidnap is a force they chose when recruiting new people. I sigh loudly, and the loud rev of the jeep caught my attention, as I approached Clark, Dixon, and Jack.

"You are the youngest whose ever joined us on a mission like this." Dixon said, but Clark nudged him, causing Dixon to stutter and spit.

"It's just, as a girl..and only being 16..." Jack begins to speak but I interrupt him.

"You think I won't be able to defend myself, well come on you pussys, get in." I say, jumping in the back of the Jeep, and Dixon was quick to join me.


The car journey was long, and when the engine of the jeep started to sputter, Dixons eyes filled with worry.

"Dixon?" I asked, and he nodded.

"What's happening tonight?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes.

"It's the annual-" But he was cut of by Clark, exclaiming that we needed more fuel.

What was so special about tonight? I wondered to myself as we pulled up next to a gas station, it was vacant and people lived inside.

But instead of the usual filling your tank, they left gas in oil cans outside, with a sign that read "Take what you need. God Bless."

I didn't go outside a lot, me and Madison were restricted to where we could go as we were only young, but mostly, because we were girls.

"Come on." Jack says, as he started to fill the tank of the jeep.

"You're a right tough nut, you know that?" Dixon said, patting me on the shoulder.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I said, fiddling with my gun.

When the tank was full once again, we set off, venturing into the night as we made our way to Atlanta.


I fell asleep in the back of the jeep, and as I awoke, the surroundings were unfamiliar and strange.

"Where are we?" I asked, yawning and stretching my arms above my head.

"Atlanta." Dixon said, whilst sharpening his knife.

I grabbed a cereal bar out of my bag, and peeled away the wrapper, taking a bite.

I chewed the cereal, but the taste of staleness was too much, and I spat it onto the road.

"Bleugh." I said, taking a sip of water.

"Stale?" Dixon asked.

"When do we ever have fresh food?" I joked, as the camp came close in sight.

"Keep your guard up." Dixon instructed, as the jeep came to a halt.

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