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"Chandler! Where are you going?" I screamed, my chest becoming tighter and as if it was on fire.
"I need to help. The people that killed Leo and Leila, yeah, you remember them right?" He said, his voice soft and gentle. I nodded. "That group are back, they know where we are and they want to over take it all. Just, trust me."
And, so I trusted him. But I didn't let him go alone.
I rushed out of the bed, almost falling over the bed sheets, and grabbed the shotgun and knife that was left on the floor.
I ran out of the room, past Alexa and Anna and stampeded down the hallway, until I pushed open the large metal doors, which exposed me to the chaos which was unfolding outside.
Immediately I was a target, gunshots were being fired at me and I figured the best thing to do was run. So I did.
I run until I reached the bases perimeter, and I couldn't run anymore, but as I turned around I noticed 4 people, approaching me each carrying different weapons. A shotgun, a machete, a cross bow, and a pistol.
I froze, panicked for my life.
When all of a sudden, 4 rounds of shells hit the floor after the enormous gunshots. As the bodies fell down, Chandler appeared, a worried expression on his face.
"I shot them in the ankle. Come on, let's take them to Hunters office for interrogation." Chandler ordered.
And so I followed, I dragged them to Hunters office, and sat them each on a wooden chair, which rope tied around their hands and ankles. They were not escaping easily.

The masks still covered their faces, so Chandler asked me to remove them. But as I did, it felt like a nightmare was coming to life.

As I removed each mask, there sat Clark, Jake, Dixon and...Madison.

I looked down at my wrist to see the bracelet she gave me before I left, but in anger, I tore it off my wrist, and threw it to the floor.

"Lauren-let us explain." Clark protested.

"Explain what? How you didn't want me in your group anymore? How your practically sold me? Go fuck yourself asshole."

Madison just looked at me, her eyes wide open, jaw to the floor.

"P.S, none of you are getting out alive. So, you give us the information you receive a less painful death. You sit there gawping or whatever bullshit, I stab you in the chest and hang you outside for the world to see." I said, sitting in Hunter's chair, and it made me feel empowered, and like the world was in my hands.

a/n - okay if you don't remember who Clark and Madison are, I highly suggest going back and re reading the book otherwise the next few chapters will completely confuzzle you. 😅

But Madison and Clark where in her first group, and kinda let her get kidnapped by the Saviours. If you have no clue at what I'm on about. Re read the book💭

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