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{earlier that night, back at the old house}

Chandler's POV:

Lauren, Anna and Alexa became frustrated and walked away, leaving me, Blake, Leo and Leila at the house.

"Well Done!" I shouted in Blake's face, as this was mostly his fault the girls left.

"What? I didn't do anything, remember you did." He said, his eyes staring straight into mine.

"We both know you raped Anna! I had nothing to do with it! You went in my room, and you were the one pissed out of your mind. I'm innocent." I said, through gritted teeth, I was furious and I could feel my fists clenching tighter and tighter by my side.

"Innocent is such a lie, it's so easy to say 'I didn't do this.' But what makes you innocent, is to prove it. And you can't." Blake laughed in my face, and in the corner of my eyes, I noticed Leo and Leila standing there, wide eyes, jaw dropped.

"You-you raped Anna?" Leila asked, trembling in her boots.

"No! it was Blake!" I shouted, trying to prove my innocence.

"Was it?" Leo asked.

"She begged and begged, and it made me crave it more. I was so driven to get what I wanted, I want control, I crave power. And in that moment, I had it all." Blake said, causing Leila to shed a tear, as she wiped under her eyes.

"This is bullshit!" Leila screamed. "Why?! What did she do to you, you sick bastard!"

"We're telling Hunter. And most importantly, Anna." l said, beginning to walk back to the base.

Leo and Leila started to follow me, but before we even got a quarter of a mile away from Blake, he snapped.

I heard 2 gunshots go off, quickly after one another, and screams followed, with bangs of the bodies hitting the ground.

As I turned around, Leo and Leila lay on the ground, both shot in the ankle, making it difficult for them to walk.

"You asshole!" I shouted, laughing myself onto Blake, and before I knew it we were in a fist fight.

I clenched my fist, and punched Blake's eyebrow, causing his piercing to rip from his skin. The blood trickled down his face, and it made me feel more angered, as if damage had not been done and he needed to be seriously hurt.

I had taken a few punches to the face, and kicks to the gut, when Leila called for me.

Before I could even stand up properly, a beer bottle, with cloth sticking out, was thrown at the house instantly causing it to be set alight, shining brightness into the dark night.

I got up, and kicked Blake in the chest, winding him, as I approached her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, but as I walked closer to her and Leo I noticed stab wounds in their chests, and as I turned to Blake I noticed the blood stained knife, sticking out of his pocket, and I felt my heart drop.

"Don't worry about us." She began to speak. "Make sure he gets everything he deserves. Tell Hunter. Promise me, Anna needs to get justice."

I nod, and gently kiss her on the forehead, and she began to speak again.

"You know that Lauren?" She said, coughing loudly.

"Take your time." I said, shining a soft smile at her.

"She sounds like a good person, don't make her bad. Show her the real you, show her this you." She says.

"Leo, man. I'm so sorry." I said, looking at Leo.

"It's alright. I guess I wasn't made for this sort of stuff." He said.

"Quick go!" Leila shouted, well spoke, but she spoke that tiny bit louder.

"Why?" I asked.

"The gang, they are coming. Get out of here."Leo said.

"Quick, the house will collapse, it won't support itself much longer." Leila added.

As I turn to the house, I noticed the flames, and how the house was completely alight, and I knew I had to go.

"Goodbye." I said to both of them, as I ran to the back of the house to hide, with Blake close on my tail.

And that's when Hunter found us.

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